shiny umbreon | Teen Ink

shiny umbreon

October 24, 2023
By Ally2023, Syksville, Maryland
Ally2023, Syksville, Maryland
0 articles 3 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"TX2 has since begun a movement known among his fans known as the "X Movement", which is all about bringing awareness to mental health and creating a safe space for those in need to talk. The rules are simple, any member can vent and share how they are feeling- while other members are encouraged to push other members' self-esteem up. The movement is currently growing every day, providing a platform to speak about mental health, vent, and support one another. TX2 wants everyone to know they are not alone in their struggles."
TX2 official page

It was what i traced in Adobe images and I just wanted to show the comunity now that I can

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