Teen Ink

Books & Novels


--BrainlessZombies--, Miramar, Florida
0 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"And when you jump off that bridge, all you can do on your way down, is hope you learn how to fly."

By aks_5 SILVER
Oak Forest, Illinois
aks_5 SILVER, Oak Forest, Illinois
5 articles 2 photos 10 comments

Favorite Quote:
Never take life seriously, no one gets out alive anyways.

By Jackson148
Rockford, Illinois
Jackson148, Rockford, Illinois
0 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate,
but that we are powerful beyond measure.

We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant,
gorgeous, handsome, talented and fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?

UmbrellaBeach BRONZE, Brampton, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments
By charns
Riyadh, Other
charns, Riyadh, Other
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Courage is the magic that turns dreams into reality." -- Tales of Eternia

prima, Corona, California
0 articles 0 photos 2 comments
By DoctorWhoHobbits SILVER
Lakeside, California
DoctorWhoHobbits SILVER, Lakeside, California
6 articles 1 photo 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
A pessimist is never disappointed.

By BrittanyM. GOLD
Mount Vernon, New York
BrittanyM. GOLD, Mount Vernon, New York
19 articles 0 photos 11 comments
By PromiseMe SILVER
Edgewood, New Mexico
PromiseMe SILVER, Edgewood, New Mexico
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life is about falling down. Living, however, is about getting back up."
"What lies behind us, and what lies before us, are small matters compared to what lies within us."
"It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you're not."

By Soccergoalie7 SILVER
Granville, Ohio
Soccergoalie7 SILVER, Granville, Ohio
5 articles 7 photos 16 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I am a great believer in luck and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it." -Thomas Jefferson

By born2bewriting BRONZE
Webster, New York
born2bewriting BRONZE, Webster, New York
3 articles 0 photos 22 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The sky's the limit!"

By Iridescent_Lilly BRONZE
Fort Worth, Texas
Iridescent_Lilly BRONZE, Fort Worth, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 16 comments

Favorite Quote:
I have many, but my top favorite (at the moment) is;
"Fairytales do not tell children that Dragons exist. Children already know that Dragons exist; Fairytales tell children that Dragons can be killed."
-G.K. Chesterson

By Inkmusic GOLD
Renton, Washington
Inkmusic GOLD, Renton, Washington
15 articles 6 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life."
~Terry Pratchett

By Anonymous
By INKorporated GOLD
Auckland, Other
INKorporated GOLD, Auckland, Other
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments
By StormyLove SILVER
Champaign, Illinois
StormyLove SILVER, Champaign, Illinois
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't stop believing," Journey
"Just stand in the rain, Stand your ground, stand up when it's all crashing down, Stand in the rain, You won't drown, And one day what's lost can be found, Just stand in the rain." SuperChick
~ Say what is on ur mind