A New Great Force | Teen Ink

A New Great Force

May 22, 2019
By maría_eugenia BRONZE, Chivilcoy, Other
maría_eugenia BRONZE, Chivilcoy, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

15th May 2019


The creators of Instagram are Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger. It was created on October 6th, 2010. In 2012, Facebook bought Instagram.

Kevin’s  idea was to make visual information more accesible. This application allows to upload  photos and videos, apply effects like filters and frames.

Currently  it has more than 700 billion users. Last month, we interviewed Kevin with the following  questions:

+What was  your first picture?

-my fist photo was my dog's

+still live?

-yes,he’s still alive

+what happened to your girlfiend from that moment?

-we are engaged!

Thanks for your time, @kevinsystrom, @mikekrieger!

The author's comments:

We are a group of students, attending our 4th year at Colegio Santa Rosa, in Chivilcoy, BA, Argentina

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