The Many Paths To Confidence | Teen Ink

The Many Paths To Confidence

January 20, 2022
By Anonymous

I wasn't comfortable on camera. I was shy because I knew there were twenty-five or more online students looking at me. When a student spoke, the speaker occupied the full screen. I was self-conscious because when I spoke I could hear myself and see myself. It sounded like someone else was talking instead of me, and when I looked at the camera, I would always think about what I was wearing. But I refound confidence when I attended in-person school. I got to know my teachers, and I was more comfortable talking in-person. Having a connection with a teacher builds my confidence because I feel more embraced. First day of senior year I felt like myself again so it was easy for me to talk to my guidance counselor and teachers. I rediscovered my confidence because I was excited for this upcoming year. 

Confidence is a quality I rediscover and the rediscovery allows me to find new adventures In my life.   It encourages me to try new paths and to keep trying even if I fail.

Soccer provided me with this understanding of confidence. To play soccer I need to believe in myself.  I’ve always compared myself to other players and this made me lose my confidence.  Also, I didn't want to fail and let my teammates down; I always wanted to do everything right.  After struggling with my confidence and not making the team my junior year, during this summer, I worked every morning and night to gain more confidence. I worked alone because I knew I would be more concentrated and focused on my goal. In the beginning of summer I would get tired after two full-field suicides but at the end of summer, I would go beyond five full field suicides. This gave me a boost of confidence because I knew I was ready for the challenge and I knew no one worked harder than me.  My dedication and hardwork gave me confidence and at the end of summer, tryouts were held and I felt ready and I made the team..

During last summer I had my first ever job at a country club employed as a service assistant. The week before I had to go and get my uniform. Once I brought it home, I started to second guess myself and started to procrastinate. On my first day I was shy. I had two training days and I would follow someone who was a service assistant and see what they needed to do each day. The tasks weren't difficult to do but I had to focus because there were multiple tasks I needed to remember. The first week was overwhelming because I needed to know how to carry trays with one hand, make expresso, prepare napkins, and to quickly set up tables. One day they asked me to carry a tray with a couple plates and glasses on It and I told my coworkers I wouldn't be able to. I kept practicing at work everyday until later that week I took my first full tray with one hand.  My new work friends gave me confidence because they were always positive and so easy to talk to. This gave me a realization that I shouldn't be shy and that If I'm more confident then I can connect with people and do my job well. And so like with school and soccer, I rediscovered my confident self. 

“It is confidence in our bodies, minds, and spirits that allows us to keep looking for new adventures,”  believes Oprah Winfrey.  Her belief relates to me because confidence does allow us to keep looking for new adventures. My employment gave my body confidence. Soccer is my spirit and it gave me a lot of confidence. Our minds also are a big key because school gave me confidence to talk to new students and teachers. 

The author's comments:

This piece of writing was when I was In high school. 

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