Certainty | Teen Ink


October 22, 2015
By Karislee BRONZE, Palatine, Illinois
Karislee BRONZE, Palatine, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Two important concepts I’ve learned to treasure are selflessness and love. These are the lights in this dark world and a motivation for me to strive to be a better person. With these two values acting as my arrowheads, I can aim at my target of becoming a nurse. This isn’t about the money or the fame that comes along with saving lives. The fact that I can make a difference in more lives than my own is the true reward. I plan to major in Human Development and Family studies and enter UIC’s nursing program at UIUC in order to become a pediatric nurse. I wasn’t always certain about entering the medical field, but I am thankful for my involvement as a volunteer at my church's summer school because it helped me shape the passions I want to pursue in the future.

At the program, I was assigned to assist kindergarteners. Initially, I wasn’t very fond of children and wanted to work with junior high students and so this led me to come into the job with a bitter heart. After days and days of wiping away tears, cleaning up scratches, and icing bruises, I found myself having a deep love for these kids. Seeing the gigantic smile on their faces after overcoming an injury was something that brightened my day. As I started creating precious relationships with my students, I noticed each of them exemplified selflessness and love in their own ways and that captivated me. All I wanted to do was care for them and make them happy as they did for me.

Through this experience, my heart is resolute on what I want to do for the rest of my life. I experienced that kids who need happiness are the ones giving happiness. So in return, I am determined to bring joy into their lives as well. I believe HDFS will help me grow in understanding what I experienced and open new doors for my new found, unwavering passion. After this experience, becoming a pediatric nurse was no longer a goal but a dream. Some people look down on nurses, but this only reminds me that pure love and selflessness is not about the appreciation for me, but how my happiness and the happiness of the people around me are shared.

The author's comments:

I will be pursuing nursing as my future career and this essay shows what pushed me to have this passion.

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