U.S. Air Force Academy | Teen Ink

U.S. Air Force Academy MAG

By Anonymous

     Colorado Springs, CO: Located in pristine Colorado Springs, the United States Air Force Academy is one of the nation's best academic institutions. Combining academic excellence with rigid moral and disciplinary standards, the Air Force Academy instills the tools of success - time management and discipline - in every cadet.

Last June, I had the opportunity to spend a week there as part of the Summer Seminar program for high-school juniors who wanted a closer look at Academy life. When I arrived, I was taken aback by the beauty of the grounds and the natural surroundings right at the base of the Rocky Mountains.

The cadet housing area is spartan, reflecting the Academy's deep military roots and strict discipline. After seeing the cadet rooms, I expected the dining hall to reflect more of these austere values. Surprisingly, it was vibrant and upbeat, and the food was excellent.

I strongly recommend the United States Air Force Academy to anyone interested in serving in the Armed Forces and receiving a first-rate education at the same time.

Reviewed in 2004

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i love this !