Northeastern | Teen Ink

Northeastern MAG

By Anonymous

   Northeastern University

Boston, MA: In mid-October, I started my collegesearch. My first stop: Northeastern University, located right in the heart ofhistoric Boston, Massachusetts.

Northeastern offers a wide variety ofmajors: nursing, engineering, pharmacy, arts and sciences, business, andcriminal justice. There are approximately 12,400 undergraduate students, and thestudent/teacher ratio is 11: 1. The student has the opportunity to participate inco-ops where s/he can work for three months, and attend school for six months.The co-ops give the students hands-on training, so that s/he can thrive in thework force.

The campus at Northeastern is surrounded by both modern andhistoric buildings. In the middle of the university is the enormous studentcenter where one can browse through the bookstore, eat at the restaurants, orjust sit and chat with friends. Probably the most beneficial aspect of theuniversity is the great variety of people coming together to get an excellenteducation.

Northeastern seems to have so many things going on whether oncampus or around the city. Students can participate in many activities on campus,anything from student government to intramural sports. Students can live in thedorms, which are similar to tall apartment complexes, or can live in their ownapartments around the city.

As a senior in high school, Northeastern seemsmost promising. This school has something for everyone. I recomment visitingbecause you will not be disappointed.

Reviewed in 1994

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i love this !