Babson | Teen Ink

Babson MAG

By Anonymous

   Wellesley, MA: I visited Babson College in Wellesley this fall. Although I was there for only a few hours, I was really able to get a sense of where I would fit in this warm and inviting business school campus. As a liberal arts kind of person interested in writing for business, I was pleased to learn from our enthusiastic guide that 40% of the required curriculum is in the liberal arts.

On the tour I was impressed with the manicured grounds and foliage which are a lush background for the stately red brick buildings. Our guide showed us classrooms in facilities that dot the center of campus. With all these locations I concluded a lot of my classes would be small and provide personal attention.

Horn Library was so big and quiet that I felt reassured I would always find a nice, quiet carrel for studying. I was also intrigued with the large number of volumes, so I knew there would never be a shortage of resources. The Horn Computer Center (in an adjoining building) seemed to have plenty of personal computers and word processors for writing research papers and other assignments.

Known as the Special Events and Recreation Center, the new, state-of-the-art athletic center offers an incredible array of facilities - aerobics classes, weight training, a field house for intramural volleyball, a pool and Division III sports, where I would like to play field hockey and softball.

The older freshman dorm we saw was well-maintained and had lofts in some rooms, which left more floor space for chairs and accessories. Trim, the dining hall for cafeteria-style meals, is large and bright with two walls of picture windows and a number of function/meeting rooms in the building which make it seem like the center of activity.

Walking around the campus on my own after the tour, students stopped to ask if they could help me, or answer any questions. This thoroughly impressed me because I was able to get a sense of how welcoming these students are and the pride they have in their college. They seem content with the choice they made.

Babson is in a town about 25 minutes away from Boston - far enough away, yet close enough to explore with friends on weekends. Wellesley itself is suburban-New England with plenty of restaurants and shops too, so you don't have to go into Boston if you don't want to. n

Reviewed in 1991

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i love this !