Space Oddity | Teen Ink

Space Oddity

February 28, 2019
By Anonymous

A large grey figure appears in the distance our captain the brave WaviestBow6 notifies us of the lurking object the crew on this ship consists of the following. Me WaviestBow5 and my friends Sad whale, Bacon Phantom, and Philbert. We immediately get to our stations Philbert and I are on repairs and Sad Whale hops into a fighter and heads out. By the time we scramble we can already make out what it is a grey ship with red stripes a Pirate! Sad Whale falls back behind the Falcon their heavy cruiser. the cruiser is a old military cruiser from the start of the space race made by Hydro Shipyards on earth this ship was made loaded with all kinds of advanced tech for that time. The ship was made well and it had showed it to its crew. Now it was time to prove that once again. As the two ships got in range a glow of bullets lit up the black abyss. The pirates did not stand a chance their ship rocked side to side as missiles from the missile launchers on the falcon got close enough to hit the pirate ship although the pirate ship was big almost two times the size of the falcon it’s armor was very weak and because of its slender build the falcon was able to cut straight through it. Four small black ships zipped out of the bottom of the hulking ship and fled. Clearly the pirates were not as tough as people thought. As the falcon flew up to the now abandoned pirate ship two small little grinder drones popped out of two little hangars on the side of the falcon . The drones flew inside the hulking debris of the pirate ship and started to grind down the precious refineries and assemblers. While the grinder drones were at work Philbert and I weld the hull of the falcon together using the components the drones bring back. The ship was packed with loot! It probably came back from a raid when we caught them off guard. Once done we explored the empty remains of the ship. It’s interior was a labyrinth of cramped hallways and crews quarters until one of the corridors opened up into a huge room with a massive jump drive used for warping to areas in the blink of an eye, Score!! The two little grinder drones get to work on the jump drive while we keep exploring the rest of the ship is empty so we dock our ships and drones and set off to base where we will be able to unload our precious supplies and continue building our new hulking mother ship the Aurora Borealis a hulking mothership the the length of a skyscraper. When we jump back we find the back half of our incomplete city ship is done! We unload the components and the repair systems buzz to life with the components for the incomplete armor and modules. Boy was that a cool adventure. Very rewarding too!

The author's comments:

This piece is Based on one of my favorite video games Space Engineers wich I love playing with my friends. 

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