The Scavenger Hunt | Teen Ink

The Scavenger Hunt

March 29, 2019
By Anonymous

On the day of June 13, 2018, Robby Roberts was on vacation on the beach of Pensacola. While he was laying on the beach, he decided to take a walk. While he was walking, he found a bottle with a paper inside of it. He then opened the paper to find a map. Robby thought it was so cool, and wanted to figure out what the map leads to. So, he opened the map all the way up and followed the path. The map eventually leads him to a cave. In the cave, it was very spooky and scary. While he was walking, he heard a rattling and saw a snake. Instead of running away, Robby killed the snake and continued on his path. Eventually, He came to the place where the X was, but he did not see anything. So, he lost hope, until he looked on the wall. On the wall was written, “you may need to dig.” So, he dug at the spot where the X was. He came across a small wooden box and pulled it out. When he opened the box, there was another note and a little necklace. After Robby read the not, he figured out that the map was just a fun activity that was for a little boy.

The author's comments:

i made up this piece by myself

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