Drip's Journey | Teen Ink

Drip's Journey

April 15, 2019
By mforemaster BRONZE, Jefferson, Louisiana
mforemaster BRONZE, Jefferson, Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I would like to introduce you to my friend named Drip. Drip is a rain-drop whose journey started by falling from a cloud. On a rainy Monday, Drip was awoken from his peaceful slumber inside a cloud, and he was dropped into a stream located in a meadow of flowers. While in the stream, Drip met some buddies named Splash, Sprinkle, Drizzle, and Plop. On Tuesday, they flowed through the stream all the way to a river. Drip and his friends are now in a forest where there are many different types of wildlife including deers, rabbits, birds, squirrels, and foxes. They stayed in the river until Thursday afternoon. Drip and his friend Sprinkle felt themselves being lifted up into the sky. Drip and Sprinkle knew what was happening, so they told their friends good-bye and good-luck. After Drip and Sprinkle were evaporated and turned into water vapor, they were formed into clouds. They both enjoyed hanging out in the clouds and seeing the world from the sky; however, that view did not last long. On Saturday morning, Drip and Sprinkle were released from the cloud and dropped into the river below them. “Wow! Two lakes in one week”, thought Drip. On Sunday, the river started flowing rapidly and Drip and Sprinkle found themselves heading for a waterfall! After being cascaded from the waterfall, they landed into a pond full of fish and turtles. Drip told Sprinkle, “Almost a week ago I was in a stream in the middle of a field of mountains. Then, I met you and flowed through a river. I was evaporated, turned into a cloud, and released from the cloud as rain into a river. Finally, I was thrown from a waterfall into a pond. I wonder where and when my next journey will take place!”

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