Trapped | Teen Ink


April 19, 2019
By Anonymous

I thought I was fine staying home alone, until I heard a loud thud upstairs. Then a few seconds later I heard the sound of glass shattering all over the floor upstairs. My heart instantly skipped a few beats as I remembered that I was for sure the only person in this house. I ran to get my phone to call for help, but as soon as I prepared myself to go across the room the floor above me rumbled as someone or something slowly moved across. That startled me so I tripped over the living room coffee table, a loud ¨CRACK¨ echoed through the quiet house. ¨WHOS THAT¨!, the mysterious person shouted. My father was a United States Marine, that was until he was killed in the line of duty a few years ago. Remembering protective skills I learned from him,  my instincts instantly took over. I armed myself with a knife from the kitchen and scattered to hide in the coat closet. Peeking through the small space, I saw this huge man dressed in all black creep down the stairs with his gun drawn as if he was ready to kill. He then leaned over the couch, took my phone and shattered it to pieces. At this point I knew that I wasn't going to easily make it out of my own home alive, and something needed to be done.

I needed to come up with a plan, and really fast too. Do I really have it in me to sneak up on this man and stab him in the neck? Then when the police get here i'll tell them I feared for my life so my only choice was to kill the man. Or should i make a run for it when he isn't paying attention, but what will he do if he happens to catch me? While I stand in the coat closet the home phone located upstairs in the hallway, began to ring. The shadow of the man rushes past me and the stomping of his feet go back up the stairs. I heard the phone pick up and be put back down, it seemed like this man didn't want the phone to keep ringing. ¨RING, RING, RING,¨ the phone 

rang again and ended with the same result. ¨Wait, that has to be my mom trying to check in on me¨ I thought in the back of my head. I start to wonder, if that was her then she'd be on her way to make sure I was okay. But who knows how long it would take before this man finds me.

The rumbling and shattering noises upstairs made me angry, as I knew that my family´s personal items were being searched through and there was basically nothing I could do about it. ¨Cmon think,¨ I kept telling myself. I peeked through the door and what I saw instantly put a smile on my face. It was the glowing light from the alarm panel and that was my ticket, my only chance to make it out. And this way I wouldn't have had to kill the man and he won't get the chance to shoot me. I cracked the door open just enough for me to slip right out of the coat closet. While my heart was pounding out of my chest, I began to swiftly tip toe across the dining room and then through the kitchen and I finally made it. I typed 1..0..1..7..enter, emergency, police, and then the robbery button. It was only a matter of time before the police will get here and we can finally end this. I ran back to the closet and planned to stay there until the police arrived.

Patience just had to be the key at this point. I had already called for help and soon all will be well. The back door of the house began to rattle, ¨maybe that's the cops trying to take a different way to get into the house,¨ I thought to myself. ¨John lets go,¨ someone yelled from behind the door. The mysterious man comes rushing down stairs to let another guy in. They began to move large bags full of items towards the back door. ¨Cmon Cmon, where are the cops,¨ I thought while I was starting to get worried. Sure enough the assurance of the red and blue flashing started to appear in front of the house. ¨Someone is in this house, find them and end them!,¨ John screamed. I was enraged at this point, my own home was getting robbed and I've sat here and done nothing to 

stop it. ¨HELP!, I began to scream as I ran towards the side door of the house. ¨Yes, I made it just through this door and i'll be free¨. I blasted out the door ¨HE'S RIGHT THERE,¨ I heard someone yell. As soon as I began to put my hands up, I felt an unbearable amount of pain strike me in the chest. I realized I had just gotten shot. ¨Wow is this the end, right here, right now, oh thats moms car, i'm over here mom, please call someone, the words are in my head and no one can hear me. The worlds turning red, I can't breathe.

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