Cake the Suspense Story | Teen Ink

Cake the Suspense Story

May 8, 2019
By Anonymous

     A hiker by the name of Henry was out in the woods hiking on his usual route however when he took a wrong turn he came upon an abandoned insane asylum. Henry, being adventurous and brave wanted to explore the insane asylum. However the front door was blocked by some overgrown plants so he went around to the back door and sure enough it was wide open and not blocked. He then proceeded to enter the asylum. He only had taken a few steps into the asylum before the door slammed shut and clicked locking Henry inside the asylum he was a little shocked but shrugged it off and said” I’ll just find another way out when I’m done”.

     Henry thought he could find another way out by climbing through a window or another door . The more Henry went into the asylum the darker it got luckily he brought a flashlight in his backpack he took it out and flicked it on. Now Henry could explore the asylum without worrying or so he thought. Henry explores the asylum finding a boarded up kitchen which had various pots and pans but nothing of real use. He roams the halls finding various peculiar things like random skulls on the floor and blood all splattered all across it. There were various doors ripped from their hinges. There were noises just loud enough to be audible. The noise was someone one talking Henry heard “I'm going to kill you”!    

     He looks towards the sound of the noise and decides to start walking towards the noise. Along the way he came across where the insane were kept all the doors to the little confinement cells was locked. However an open door caught Henry's eye. He looked into the room and inspected it when he was done Henry turned around and saw a trail of blood. “This must have been the man that was killed” Remarks Henry. His skull was severed completely  He decided to follow it he followed it into the doctor’s office where he found a body which was not moving. Henry checked his pulse and there was nothing. Henry usually in his calm and collected state started to panic knowing he had to get out as soon as possible. His heart dropped when he heard the door behind him close shut. He saw a figure behind him in the shadows he slowly turned around and saw a man with shabby looking clothes and rotting teeth. The odor emitting from him smelled like he was week old garbage. The man mumbled”Cake”. He then started to walk towards Henry  he then throws his flashlight at him and starts to run away. He then sees an old boarded up door that looked like it was about to fall down.

     Henry seeing the door bashed through it and inside he finds a run down looking kitchen and what looked to be an food storage room he goes into the room and shuts the door he then heard footsteps as someone started to walk in the room his heart pounded. Then suddenly he hears the door open the old man started to walk towards him then with no warning at all he suddenly bit off one of Henry’s feet. Henry then suddenly whined in pain and smacked the old man across the face he then became disoriented this gave him enough time to escape from the food storage room when he looked around he saw an unboarded window which was broken taking no time at all he ran over to the window and jumped out. He then landed in some bushes and looked behind him and saw the old man at the window glance down at him and then start to walk away from the window.

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