Wires | Teen Ink


January 19, 2022
By zaraaja BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
zaraaja BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Running in the hospital with a murder on loose. I took a hold of Ezra and ran into the office. Slamming the door shut I pushed us both on to the ground. I covered his mouth, lips shivered on my hands. His whole body vibrated against the door. He had just seen his older brother being gutted alive, unable to move. Outside we heard the murder run past the door. I check the office for a phone because most of the phones we found were cut. The muder must have tried to cut them all. Our group went off into different sections to call a doctor. But that's when we all came across the mutilated fresh corpses in each room. Ezra’s twin brother Aiko went for a doctor and since then we haven’t seen him. Their older brother Orien got killed alongside most of our group. The only two people left were the girls that had pulled the awful prank on us and perhaps Ezra’s twin was still alive. Yes, we can use this if it isn’t cut. The phone wasn’t cut because it was stacked ontop of all these papers. I type 911 and pull the phone to my ear. BEEP. I look up, perhaps it is too old. Ezra had his head slumped down. He looks up with a grin, his finger on the phones clicker. In his back pocket he has a silver blade with the blood of my friends.

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