Vain Struggle | Teen Ink

Vain Struggle

May 4, 2024
By j2s009 BRONZE, La Mirada, California
j2s009 BRONZE, La Mirada, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
We forge the chains we wear in life. (Charles Dickens)

Oh pity the nature of life; for it strives to be equal yet its equality is no way near to being of equity—to places of hell: its crimson landscapes full of holes casting molten liquid, temperature reaching unbearable living conditions, its contained souls weeping after the torture of his punishment strike them for eternity—to places of darkness, no light seeps through; only sounds to guide one’s path, one wrong step, one wrong turn, one’s life is gone—to places of desolation, no interaction: just winds that blow one’s hope into dust, grand landscapes with nothing but a dirt ground with a single path, one’s sanity does not last long, such are no place for a mortal being and such was the struggle I had to endure for my goal: to find a piece that connects a part of my reality with my love, my grace, my hope; yet, such connections are like puzzle pieces, scattered out across vast lands by the gods, into pieces, which I must collect to fulfill my goal; yet, the gods did not want me to succeed, for when united, we together had the power to overrule the gods: they isolated us, they challenged us, they might as well have killed us inside—our souls never meant to collide after their separation—I was there, the last hurdle, in my triumph, I had connected the last puzzle piece, but, calamity ensued—the world bent inwards on itself; everything was crumbling, the last image I saw; my love, my grace, my hope, was shattered into pieces again, into pieces as small as a grain of sand; so small, they ceased to exist.

The author's comments:

One day and in one hour after midnight, something struck me to imagine some hardships one goes through in life. They say the brain works best when sleeping; recollecting memories from stories read, stories told, and stories made. At that moment, I was imagining something hopeless, like something that would come out of a novel of tragedy. For no particular reason, I woke up from my promise to keep sleeping and to have a normal sleeping schedule, and in 10 minutes I already had my draft down. I had originally known about this contest so I tried to form it all into one sentence (hence, the reason why I took some poetic licenses). Finally, at 3 o' clock in the morning, this work emerged.

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