day in the life of fred | Teen Ink

day in the life of fred

May 20, 2024
By Anonymous

“Ssssss” was the sound of the pan sizzling as Fred cooked his bacon in the morning. He had already woken up 20 minutes late. He was scrambling around the kitchen in an attempt to make himself breakfast and still make it out the door on time. He poured his orange juice, scrambled his eggs, and his bacon was frying. He ran across the kitchen to scoop a cup full of dog kibble and violently poured it into Juno’s bowl. Juno stood by and started chomping away as Fred poured, it was almost like he knew they were in a hurry. Fred ran back across the kitchen back to his stove where he slid the bacon out of the pan onto his plate next to his eggs. He grabbed his juice and sat at the table. Fred scarfed down his breakfast as fast as he could while his kitchen radio played.

“Good morning, today is June 17th, 1994. It’s 84 degrees this Friday morning and partly cloudy, we won’t be expecting any rain the rest of this week,” said the radio man. 

He zoned out for a few more seconds as the radio man rambled on about other things he didn’t care much about. Until he heard the radio man describing a Ford Bronco that was running from the cops one county over. 

“He murdered his ex wife as well as his ex wife’s friend unexpectedly two days ago. Football player Orenthal James Simpson, and driver Al Cowlings are now in a highway pursuit down Freeway 91 in a white 1994 Ford Bronco. We advise citizens to stay inside and off the roads near the Orange County area,” said the radio man. 

Fred was hesitant to leave for work, but he was the owner, and without him there was no business. He turned the radio off and put his dishes in his sink. Juno followed as he headed for the garage. Fred opened up the door of his red 1978 Ford crew cab truck. Juno jumped in the passenger seat. Fred heads around to the other side and steps up into the truck. He slid his keys in the ignition and fired up his supercharged 460. He revs it a few times to get it warmed up. He throws it in reverse and backs out of the garage. He hits his door opener to close it up. He drives down his road and out of his neighborhood and towards the highway. 

He merges onto the highway and begins driving towards his shop. He drives for a while in silence. Fred is a little nervous considering the news he heard on the radio earlier that morning. The opposite side of the highway was empty. This gave him a strange feeling. He kept driving for a couple of minutes. Then he sees a white Bronco slowly driving down the opposite side of the highway with cop cars behind one after another. There was no doubt in his mind that these were the football players he had heard about on the radio. 

“Juno…you see that,” Fred nervously says as he watches the police lights in his rearview mirror. Juno whines as he curls up in the passenger seat. He only caught a glimpse of the scene as he was driving past at normal speed among other cars. He kept driving as he processed everything. He was nervous, no one knew what these men's intentions were. All we knew was that one was a killer and they were fleeing. The exit to Fred’s shop approached and he exited the highway. He takes a few turns and pulls into a parking lot labeled with a big neon sign “Fred’s Truck Accessories”. As he gets out of his truck and walks to the other side to let Juno out, one of his employees pulls in. Fred and Juno begin walking towards the door of the shop office to unlock it. 

“Did you hear about the highway pursuit this morning on the radio,” exclaims the employee, John. 

“You won’t believe this. Not only did I hear about it, I saw them all going down the highway,” Fred tells John. 

“You're pulling my leg Fred.”

“Nope, I swear on everything I got.”

“Well what was it like? They said on the radio they were football players. OJ murdered Nicole since he was jealous of her seeing other guys.” 

They walk into the shop and turn the radio on again, to listen for any updates. 

“This just in, after a 90 minute car chase, police have arrested OJ in his home in Brentwood. He insisted on speaking to his mother before his surrender. During the whole chase OJ remained in the back seat of said Bronco while holding a gun to his head as Al drove,” the woman on the radio said. 

Fred and John sat in the office of the shop talking to each other about how scary this situation was. Fred told John all about seeing the chase in person. They finally decide to head into the garage part of the shop and start working on their projects for the day. 

The author's comments:

I wrote it about myself 

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