Death By a Pink Umbrella | Teen Ink

Death By a Pink Umbrella

October 24, 2009
By Anonymously,Yours PLATINUM, Norman, Oklahoma
Anonymously,Yours PLATINUM, Norman, Oklahoma
47 articles 2 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Homework hurts trees. :D

1. Meet the Roses.
My Life was perfect. I lived in a perfect little white house in perfect little green hills in constant perfect weather in perfect little urban England. Even the rain was perfect. But of course this is from an artist’s point of view. As the oldest I find myself having to stoop to my younger siblings’ thoughts if I wish to communicate. As about the weather in perfect urban England, the 2nd oldest, disagrees. She is rough, rowdy, and enjoys the dirt. But no, she dislikes mud. Just attracts dirt. Lots of it. She’ll track it into the house and still have enough to make the bathwater dirty. Her name is Wednesday. Then it’s Thursday, the bookish one; Friday, the quiet, shy one is 2 youngest. The youngest is still a baby, and her name is Friday.

The author's comments:
How do you like it? I was just trying this. But anyway, the plot of it so far is that the 5 sisters go on an adventure around the world trying to find their mother's favorite pink umbrella. I know it sounds really extreme, but the rest of the book with depend on the extremes for hilarity. :)


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