The Crazy Old Man | Teen Ink

The Crazy Old Man

November 4, 2009
By joe molloy BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
joe molloy BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One night I was driving around on my little sports car. Then I drove right into a long pitch black cave. Then I herd the ground start to shake. I herd a mans deep breathing. My body went cold. I then herd something get lifted. I slammed the acceleration pettle. It was to late. My life flashed before my eyes as I saw a ceramic doll come flying at me. I quickly got out of the car and looked up to see who was trying to kill me. It was a Crazy Old Wrinkly Man. I tried to make a leap over him so I could get out of that mad house. I almost made it over him but, instead I broke his glasses and knocked out his dentchers. He snagged me and throw me into the kitchen. The refrigerator was opened a crack. I quickly got into the refrigerator and hid behind a bottle of mustard. The Crazy Old Man shouted, “ Were are you you crazy faret “. He suddenly opened the refrigerator. Instantly grabbed me and said he was going to eat me. I shouted,” Let me go you crazy old kook”. His face lit up.

The next thing I new I was on the side of the street in a cage and the Crazy Old Man was yelling,” Hear a Faret talk, $5.00”.

A lot of people looked at the old man and said, “You are losing it you old man”.
The old man looked sad and mad at the same time. He took all of his frustration out on me. He picked me up and started to say some unknown words that can't be repeated. Then he started to squeeze me titer and titer. I was so scared I almost had an accident on his carpet, so then he would For shere kill me. After all of that I managed to bite his hand run to my half broken sports car and drive it through the wall and back into the wilderness. As I looked back I say him shaking his bloody fist and his cane in the air.

The author's comments:
This piece of writing is awesome

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