Three Crazy Cats | Teen Ink

Three Crazy Cats

April 1, 2010
By Ryan Magdic GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
Ryan Magdic GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We are the cats that need nobody else. Together we can do anything we put our minds to. Three crazy cats with adventure in our eyes and pointy ears. Three looking for adventure and finding it everywhere they go. Three spunky creatures out in the country. We go out every day, but the neighbors never notice.

Our adventures are spontaneous. We pounce on any chance for one. We pounce on it holding it captive until were ready and then explore it until there is no light to lead us. We do this everyday and every night. This is how we do.

If one is not there to pounce then it gets away and we sit around and wait until he gets back. Just waiting ready, ready to pounce on the first opportunity of adventure. We wait.

We I am too tired and too alone to pounce, when I am a cat amongst dogs, then I call for my cats. Where there is nothing to pounce on, we attack anything that moves. Three who fights against boredom. Three crazy cats.


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