Escape | Teen Ink


April 12, 2010
By Hockey26 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Hockey26 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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The platinum coated doors slide open, immediately John Madden enters the spacious, carpet covered elevator. Leaning against the wall in the back right corner is a man in his early 40’s, balding, strumming on his walnut guitar.
“Hello, again. It seems like forever between now and then. You look the same. I mean, you look different, but you haven't changed,” Dave Matthews says, listening intently to each strum of the guitar quickly turning knobs on the top of his guitar.
“Funny the way it is, last time I saw you, I remember saying, ‘Stand for something,’” John laughs, sinking the elevator as he slowly strolls in.
The doors slowly close and both begin the 14 floor descent to the lobby.
“Did you feel that jolt?” John asks quickly clutching for the nearest railing.
“Come out, come out, no use in hiding,” Dave says looking at the tile ceiling, poking the roof with the bottom of his guitar.
John and Dave slowly rush toward the front corner, holding onto each other, they watch as the escape panel is slowly removed. A young man in a tuxedo drops through the small gap.
“Sorry for the disturbance. The names Bond… James Bond,” the mysterious man says as he fixes his bow tie.
“What the…where did you…why…” John says fumbling with his words as he cowers in corner farthest from where Mr. Bond is standing.
“John relax; we know you have so much to say,” Dave calmly says.
James helps John to his feet, wiping off the dirt on his suit coat. The final tick of the elevator sounds like a fire alarm.
Speed walking out the elevator, Dave says, “This is where I say goodbye.”

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