the lost page in my diary | Teen Ink

the lost page in my diary

July 23, 2010
By JadeMeow BRONZE, Vista, California
JadeMeow BRONZE, Vista, California
1 article 22 photos 53 comments

Favorite Quote:
:)One day someone will walk into your life, then you realize love was always worth waiting for.

Dear Diary,
I don’t know how can I get out of this abyss of misery then start my affluent brand-new life, but I am not wondering to be wealthy but at least I can have more confidences of my life, or more ever, I can have my own ability to run my family.
I am too poor to maintain my life because I had lost my job for five years, after that, I moved to a little impoverished village. I had the feeling of terror since I moved to here. The little tent is fill all over the dirt, inside the tent there was a tiny bed without quilt, while I am sleeping at night, there are always goes a fit of offensive smell toward my nose from outside the street that you cannot breath, here is the reason why: The people in the village are not easy-going, even I can say their heart is filling of the wicked. Every afternoon, There are some leftover food from the rich families on the top of the hill by the village send by the police officer, but the food are not enough for all of the people in the village, so one person will try to kill the other person like a mugger, or even more. They can fight the whole afternoon to evening for the food, every night, corpses, fleshes, blood are cover all the road. Babies are crying, crazy people are yelling during the night. You can only shower twice a week, and once only a pail of cold water. you can’t sleep, the only thing you don’t feel unpleasant is to yell with the crazy people.
I am always find food in the trash-can near by the hill, the rich people will always throw away some food they didn’t finish eating, though, it had already been spoiled, the smells are nasty, but I still thinking it’s more better than to struggle the food with those dangerous people, there is always a possibility of dead anyways.
I can’t stand the life in this village. I am feeling dismayed, fights and messes outside, sullen and hungry inside the tent. I can only look up the hill, look at how lucky, how happiness they are, I am not wondering they are going to send some food, or something else is good for us, but at least they need to know there are still many people in poverty, they should know everything they waste are valuable, and it may save somebody’s life.

The author's comments:
everything you waste may save somebody's life.


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