Lostt | Teen Ink


September 11, 2010
By Ellaa GOLD, Belmar, New Jersey
Ellaa GOLD, Belmar, New Jersey
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Friends are like four leaf clovers....
Hard to find...
But lucky to have <3

We stood at the waters’ edge holding hands letting the water roll up and cover our toes. It felt cool, I closed my eyes. Taking a step forward, I kept walking in deeper and deeper. I released my hands from Kelly and Hanna. I felt my skirt stick to my legs, and smelled the salt water. I opened my eyes…

I was lying on the beach again. What happened? I sat up and looked around. Where were Hanna and Kelly? The early morning sun was beginning to rise. I stood up and stretched. Thinking that my friends maybe took a walk, I looked down the beach. They were nowhere to be seen in either direction. I turned around scratching my head, and decided to walk up to the boardwalk.


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