Why I Was Late to Chemistry | Teen Ink

Why I Was Late to Chemistry

May 10, 2011
By rizzoxo13 BRONZE, Franklin Lakes, New Jersey
rizzoxo13 BRONZE, Franklin Lakes, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Sorry Mrs. Cohen, I’m late to chemistry because I was getting married to famous skateboarder, Ryan Sheckler. He had proposed to me in Paris last night and we then flew to Fiji for our ceremony. After we were married, we decided to go swim in the ocean. Little did we know we were swimming in shark-infested waters. Before we knew it we were surrounded by sharks. But thanks to Ryan’s phenomenal skate-boarding skills, and the surfboard that conveniently floated near us, we were able to surf right on out of there. Right when we thought we were in safe waters and almost back on the beach, we were captured by pirates. They wanted to hold us hostage for a ransom, but thankfully Ryan is also trained in Kung Fu and Jujitsu. After destroying the evil pirates, we hopped in their extra boat and rode off toward the shore (good thing Ryan has his boating license). When my husband and I finally arrived back on shore we were so tired and fed up with Fiji we got on the next plane out of there. My dad wanted me to go back to school anyway. Once we arrived back in Newark Airport, I got here as quick as I could, I swear. So that’s why I’m late to chemistry, Mrs. Cohen.


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