my journey | Teen Ink

my journey

September 18, 2012
By osbaldo castaneda BRONZE, Dallas, Texas
osbaldo castaneda BRONZE, Dallas, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I’ve been traveling for about one year and a half, lost in the sea. I am Dixie, I come from Ireland. I was sent out to ship some goods out to Brazil. At first the journey the journey seemed sweet as pie, but soon it turned really ugly. The weather started going bad, which made it hard to move forward. One night everything went wrong. It was pitch black outside. The stars and moon seemed to be a dull light. I couldn’t see where I was going and before I knew it I crashed into a boulder. The crash made a hole in me. It reminded me of Noah’s ark, and what he went through. The boulder seemed to look at me like it was my fault. Days and months have passed and no land in sight yet. Its been a year already and still nothing. I write this letter hoping someone will find it and know what happened. I feel sluggish and slow. I don’t think I could make it any further. I will stop here, hoping I can make it to land.

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