Dragon Blood | Teen Ink

Dragon Blood

December 7, 2012
By Dragonkid BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Dragonkid BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dragon blood: Story
The last thing I was expecting out of this school year was all out war….. It started off just like any other year but in a short amount of time it took a turn for the worst. As for why well I stared a war. It was possibly one of the most destructive wars ever also it was fought right in a city near New York. But you will never read about it never see footage on the news and it will never come up in conversation. That is because it was a war fought in secret. My name is Carter Vincent I also go by DK which stands for Dragon Kid and this is how I started the biggest war mankind will never know. Now the only place and time I can go to when I think about this huge event. Is the first day of school at Edgar Allen Poe High school in Brighton city. That morning me and my friends Casey and Leon all arrived at school around the same time and met in Homeroom. “So how does it feel guys?” said Leon with a big grin on his face. “What?” I asked him. “Finally being 16 of course” “And why is that so great exactly?” Casey asked him. “Well we’re juniors now” he responded. “Noted.” she replied to him. “But nothing is really special about that.” She told him. “Well there is the ‘really special thing’ you know.” He said in response. “Know what?” I asked him. WE FINALLY FINSHED OUR TRAINING!” He screamed out loud. Everyone turned and looked at us and there was a moment of total silence. We just shut up and acted like we didn’t know where it came from. But not one person bought the act. But eventually everyone went back to their conversations and I immediately grabbed Leon by the collar of his shirt and drag him close and whispered as low as I could “Scream a little louder you stupid cur I don’t think they heard you out in the hall.” He quickly reached for my medallion and said “Come on how are you not proud of this?” he asked me still holding that stupid grin on his face. “I am proud of it okay. I just don’t want flaunt it like an idiot.” “Well I guess it’s true.” Casey added. “What?” Leon asked her. “That you wolves really aren’t that bright.” She said sounding kind of smug. “Hey!” he yelled. Just then our Teacher Mrs. Akin walked in. “We’ll talk later doggie.” She whispered smiling. Then she turned. It put a smile on my face and a weird scowl on his. After that there were a few hours of boring classes. I don’t remember what happened that day. Just a bunch of introductions new teachers new students the usual first day of school crap. (In case you were wondering what that moron meant by “training” Since we were 5 we had been waiting to enter our training to serve the organization. A group that is older than any human will ever know. Our job is to protect humanity from all magical influence Created during the “Great war” when the Dragons fought the Wolves. In the end it was the phoenixes that stopped the fighting. Soon after that a group was created with the powers of these ancient races of Dragons, Wolves and Phoenixes. And that is what we are.) After that the three of us met up out at Gino’s pizza place near the school where we meet every day when school ends. We go in and Gino’s son Mason is at the counter. “Hey guys you’re back how were your summer breaks?” he asked. “Awesome.” we all said together. “Fries as usual” he asked us. “You know it.” I told him. When we got our fries we ran quickly to a meeting we had to attend. When we got there the council was waiting for us. Now I know what you’re thinking. “Who the heck is council well to answer that the council runs the organization I we are now officially a part of. And the titles that go by are Kai first chair the great dragon (yeah I said dragon I mean a really big fire breathing lizard) Jinta second chair phoenix queen. (Also real) And Ganga third chair Wolf king (6ft tall on all four legs with a horn on his head kind of wolves in case you were gripping for some kind of normality.) Also there was Sam my big sister and captain of the phoenix squadron George my big sister Sam’s ex-boyfriend captain of the wolf squadron. Lastly Bruce who is my sister’s current boyfriend and captain of the dragon squadron. We move toward them Leon stands in front of George, Casey stands in front of Sam and I stand in front of Bruce and the three of us say at once “Captain we are prepared to serve.” We were standing at attention as is the custom as were they. “We accept your service and we will call you when you are needed” They all said back to us. And after the ceremony was complete we all walked back near the door. And it was at this moment that the war began. George was talking to my sister and she looked annoyed. He was asking the same question he always does when he sees her. Which is “Why don’t you dump this loser and take me back?” He said gesturing to Bruce who didn’t seem to care at all. “Because you attacked my little brother remember?” She said. “The kid egged me on.” He said. “He is 3 years younger than you and all he did was say hi!” “And then you attacked him and he dropped you like a sack of potatoes. Point for DK.” Bruce stood up and added. George immediately punched him in the face. Then Bruce punched him so hard he hit the ground completely unconscious. I was going on mission after mission and doing well for 2 weeks until we heard that our squad was being ambushed by wolf squad members apparently George didn’t appreciate being knocked out. One day I went the “Big-Board”. (That’s what we call the board where we get our mission assignments and information on anything and everything new going on. It’s actually just the world’s biggest iPad. All the information is in three giant columns. The first one says Missions with Pick one in parenthesis under it in smaller letters second is Announcements with check out what’s new under that and lastly is Calls with see Admiral Buller. That’s Bruce’s last name.) As I was looking and reading the missions as fast as I could trying to pick one that fit me. Then the Missions column went blank then the Announcements column did the same along with the Calls column. And just as I was considering calling the apple store and ask them how to fix it when all three columns all had popped up the same message “Carter Vincent come see me now. AND PLEASE HURRY!” The moment I saw that only two possible reasons for this went through my mind. Either I’m in huge trouble or Bruce is freaking out about something. I ran down to his office as fast as could, wondering what was wrong. And when I opened the door he was pacing vigorously (he does that when he’s nervous). “What’s wrong Bruce?” I asked him. He said back sounding like he just went through 5 days of straight torture. “I can’t some it up in one word but here’s 3 Samantha Jade Vincent or how about 2 your sister.” “Let me guess interrogation.” I replied to him. (Bruce was one of the victims of the wolf squad’s ambushes he fell from 100ft building and managed to slow himself down enough with his wings to survive and only walk away with a broken arm.) I’d managed to guess that Sam had been asking how it happened since she first saw him at the hospital. The cover story was that he flew into the building and fell. But Sam had known him for years. George too they were all friends since before I could talk. But at some point they grew apart. (I think George going out with Sam along with him being extremely prone to jealousy put a rift in their friendship personally.) “Yes!” he said while staring to shake a little. “It’s not just that it’s how she does it. Unlike most human beings she is never nicer than when she wants information.” He was starting to shake a little I could easily tell Sis really put him through the ringer. “That’s Definitely Sam.” He sat down in his office chair and after he calmed down a little he told me. “On another note theirs the reason I called you into my office.” He tilted his head down like he was thinking hard about something. When he looked back up at me he said something I could not believe. “Tonight you and I are going to pay George a little visit and ‘discuss’ these ambushes.” “What are you, crazy!!? These ambushes are in no way a sign that he wants a visit from us. More like the complete opposite!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. “No. I’m completely sane I assure you. But it’s driving me crazy having to hear about all these attacks on my troops and still just telling the council they were accidents.” He sounded somewhat angry. “Okay I’m in.” I told him. “Meet me out in front of the wolf squad base at 8pm tonight.” He instructed me. After I left our base I went home. Right after dinner I told Mom and Dad that I had to meet up with Bruce and being former members of the organization as well understood. “You have to follow you admiral’s orders.” Dad said to me as I walked out. I took of from the ground and flew over to where I was to meet Bruce. When I landed he made a gesture with his hand. Something like ‘Let’s get this over with’. We walked inside and realized that everyone was still there. This quickly made one thing very clear. George was waiting for us. When our walk thought the halls finally took us to George’s office it was swarming with troops. He was sitting back in his chair as happy as can be. I had my sword with me and was thinking on weather or not I should draw it. (All troops are required to carry their swords at all times while on duty. I call mine Ruby red due to its color.) When we got right in front of George I heard him say “Attack” and drew my sword immediately Bruce did the same. Were fighting as hard as we could and took down several of them (I even threw 1 out of the window.) But we couldn’t block when George jumped out of his seat and changed to his full on werewolf form he swung and knocked us both in the heads. We sprung back up and kept swinging our swords. George ran right over to Bruce and before I could get over to him to offer backup George had changed back to human form, drawn his sword and stabbed Bruce in the chest. He started to swing for a few seconds after that. But after 1 final kick from behind he hit the ground hard. As he lay there bleeding with all George’s soldiers laughing at him I heard him yell “Run DK”. But right after that I felt a punch to the back of my head that knocked me on the ground. When I got up George had made his way across the room and was hanging over me. “Well I think your commanding officer is down. But then again it’s not like YOU can help him.” And then I heard an uproar of laughter coming from his soldiers again. I got so angry when I heard it I unknowing changed to a full Dragon. They all looked me with so much fear. And then I attacked. I was striking down everything knocking soldiers everywhere. I rampaged my way over to Bruce I quickly changed back grabbed him and used my wings to fly through the roof with him in my arms. But just before I made it out of there I heard George scream “THIS MEANS WAR YOU LITTLE BRAT!!!!” I flew to the medical facility the organization runs and burst in through the door and yelled “Admiral Buller has been injured somebody help him please!!” The staff quickly took him to the ER. After that I called Sam and told her everything. When she arrived she rushed over to me and punched me in the face. “Why didn’t you 2 morons tell me what was going on from the start huh?!” She fell to her knees and started to cry. After I recovered from her punch I opened my mouth and said “What ever the reason for us not telling doesn’t matter anymore. In the only thing that matters now is one thing….. The war has begun.

The author's comments:
It is based off of a one of the favorite drawings I've done.


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