Head to Head | Teen Ink

Head to Head

December 20, 2012
By Blue_Mustang_Ohyeah BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
Blue_Mustang_Ohyeah BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It’s 10:37 at night in NYC. Cars, buses, and taxies are making the most noise in the city. It’s cold, wet, and dreary. Lauren is walking on the slick sidewalk, when she comes across a group of her friends. She suggests that they all go, and play poker for practice and fun.
As Lauren and her friends were playing poker, Lauren had spotted Harrison across the room. They all were inside a large warehouse next to an open field. Lauren and Harrison talked along the line of the open field when he stated there was a big hockey game coming up in 6 days.
He said that he wanted to make a bet on the game.
“This is not just a d*** game Lauren, this is business,” Harrison claimed.
“Whatever Harrison! To me this is a game, but a h*** of a lot more serious. Now that we have made the bet, believe me you WILL lose,” Lauren threatened.
Lauren and Harrison made arrangements to stay in contact with each other before the game.
Day 1-
Harrison and Lauren had met at a local Yatz restaurant. They had been discussing the specifics about the game on Friday.
“My team will get the first hit when the game starts,” Lauren stated.
“No you won’t. My team is going to get the first hit no matter what. I’m not going to let you have that,” stormed Harrison.
“How about this, if you let me have the first hit, then I will put 25 dollars more on the bet,” Lauren bargained.
“OH, fine, but you will regret doing that,” Harrison mentioned.
“Ok, then we meet here tomorrow, and then we will meet at Rathskeller on Wednesday. Deal?” Lauren insisted.
“You’re d*** right we have a deal. I’ll meet you at Rathskeller,” Harrison approved.
“You have to make the reservations,” added Lauren.
Day 2-
Harrison is in a hurry, so he pops into Yatz and pops back out. Lauren and Harrison are just standing there, waiting for someone to greet and seat them.
“Ok lets get this over with because I have to go umm… help my parents with their car,” Harrison hesitated.
“What’s wrong with the…?” asked Lauren.
Lauren was curious about what he was talking about realizing that Harrison hesitated.
“NOTHING! I mean, the tires went flat, so I have to go see if they need me to go buy new tires,” Harrison lied.
After the small conversation Harrison left hastily.
Day 3-
Harrison had made reservations at a popular restaurant called Rathskeller. Also he agreed on meeting Lauren at Rathskeller from day 1.
“So, how’s life?” Lauren questioned.
“Why the h*** do you ask,” he replied.
“Don’t answer a question with a question. Let me ask again, so, how’s life?” Lauren grunted.
“It’s ok I guess, what about you- how is your life,” Harrison reasoned.
“Oh, thanks for asking! Well I would say it’s great!” she exclaimed.
By the time they ended the question “so how’s life?” they began a conversation about the game and how it will go. Harrison still thinks that his team should get the first hit, but he decides to not talk about it. Lauren, on the other hand, decides to talk about the rules and maybe some adjustments to the rules of hockey.
“Ok besides using your feet, and hockey stick, you can use your head if the puck goes higher than your head,” Lauren stated
“WHAT?! H*** No! Lauren I’m not going to let my team use their heads for de-fenses,” he snapped.
“If you don’t you’ll have to fore-fit the bet and the game,” she murmured.
“Fine, continue what you were saying,” advised Harrison.
Lauren kept continuing what she was saying. She kept adding and subtracting things about the rules of hockey. Harrison, inside he just wanted to shout that she should not be changing the rules and that it would mess up his whole plan to beat her team. If he did that she would have convinced him to fore- fit. Lauren would get all the money.
Day 4-
Now is the time for something different. Lauren and Harrison had decided to call each other on Thursday at 12:30pm. Over the phone, they were discussing the game again. Both of them wouldn’t stop arguing about how the game would go or how the rules changed. It was mostly about the rules because Lauren wouldn’t stop changing them.
“There are just 2 days before the big game, but I still have time to change things up a little bit,” Lauren continues to keep changing the rules as if they were wishes.
“Lauren you really need to stop changing the rules before the game. You realize you will have to explain all the rules that you changed right?” Harrison, being his normal self, tried to get her to stop and to make the rules the way he wanted them to be.
“Yes, I do realize that. Thank you very much, but I can do this without your help. Just to remind you, you WILL lose this hockey game and your reputation will be done for!” Lauren thought about messing up his reputation even more, but she didn’t go that far.
Day 5-
Over the past week, Lauren and Harrison have been at it with this big game that happens tomorrow. Today they met up in the cold, early morning at the line of the open field at 9:34.
“Are you ready to give up and loose or are you still going to fight?” Lauren boasted.
“I’m still going to fight for all that d*** money that we put into this game and I’m NEVER going to back down,” Harrison announced.
“Alright, alright! Fine I’ll see you lose tomorrow,” Lauren laughed.
After they both left the line of the open field, Lauren went with her friends to the city and played poker for fun. Harrison went to the arena, and told his team what would happen tomorrow. This is starting to get really serious. With one person thinking that it is business and another person thinking that it is just a game, the pressure becomes unbearable.
The Day of the Game-
The big game has come. Now that Lauren and Harrison have been talking for the past week it’s time to show who’s boss. They are both making speeches to their teams and a little pep talk to add. The teams emerge to their positions and are ready for war. The players are warriors as they go into battle. The buzzer has sounded and the game has begun. Score 0-0. Both Harrison and Lauren have not even spoken a word to each other since the buzzer had sounded. This game is like a horse race. Each player is controlling their sticks so they don’t get called out. BUUUUUZZZZZZZ… the girls have scored 5 points.
“GOSH DARN IT! What the h*** happened? You were supposed to block that shot!” Harrison screamed.
“HAHA… easy enough! Whatcha gonna do about that, huh?” Lauren said with pleasure.
The game continues with even more BUUUUUZZZZZZ’s. From the beginning of the game, Lauren is enjoying her winning. Harrison doesn’t like what he’s seeing.
“Score is now 5-0, with Lauren’s team in the lead!” the announcer announced.
As Lauren looks around after what the announcer said she feels achieved because she is winning the bet. Harrison is starting to get worried about the game because of Lauren’s lead. Harrison called a time-out for his team to tell them what to do next because of how much time is left on the clock.
“Alright guys, remember to not look at the clock because if you do it will slow you down. DON’T LOOK AT THAT D*** CLOCK!!!” Harrison ordered.
“There are only 2 minutes and 37 seconds on the clock and Lauren is still in the lead,” the announcer noted.
Two minutes and thirty- seven seconds go by, and the last shot for Harrison and, and, and… wait for it, wait for it… and he scores! Harrison’s team has made the goal.
Lauren with anger yells, “D*** IT!!! I could have blocked that!!! Why didn’t I block that shot?”
The score ended 9-7. Lauren is still in the lead. She is happy with what her team is doing because they are trying the best they can to prove that girls just as good as guys when it comes to hockey. Harrison, on the other hand, went to a championship game, and won that game. He really doesn’t understand why Lauren is winning the game. He thinks that she is cheating with a pro player on the team.
2nd Quarter-
The buzzer goes off and it’s time for a short break so the players can catch their breath. As the referee calls both the teams back to their positions to start the second quarter, the players give each other a dirty look to say as if ‘you are dead meat’ before they even start. This is the part where things could get dangerous. The reason why this could be the dangerous part is because it’s almost halftime, and the captains want the highest score they can get. Sometimes a hockey fight could break out. If either Lauren or Harrison gets the highest score, they could have a chance to control the whole game. The buzzer has sounded. Lauren and Harrison are off the ice for now. They are both cheering on their teams telling them what to do. Right now the score is 13-11. The puck has been dropped! The players are at war. Nothing can stop them but the timer. As the timer is at 5:03, the fight to win is just getting worse.
SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEECCCHHHHH… “One of the players has been run up against the railing and is still being pushed against it!!!” exclaimed the announcer.
The whole crowd is worried because that is the best player on Lauren’s team. She is getting crushed! Lauren has called a time out just for her teammate. All you see along the rail is red, dripping blood. This is not good for Lauren. This was Harrison’s way to Lauren’s weak spot.
“Did you really think I would give up on this d*** game just for my best teammate?” Lauren asked.
“H*** yeah,” he stated.
“Well, Harrison, you are the most idiotic person that would actually think that! Did I not tell you about the penalty?” Lauren scolded.
“What d*** penalty? You never told me about this d*** penalty,” he moaned.
“Opps,” she whispered.
Harrison was shocked! He thought that she actually stopped changing or adding rules. This was the most agonizing thing that has ever happened to him. He really felt like he was a blonde. Harrison thought to himself that he was the stupidest person in the building. 5…4…3…2…1…BUUZZZZZZZZZZZ… the second quarter is over and the score is tied. Everyone was confused or concerned. The score was actually tied for the first time in 12 years. The score was 15-15.
Halftime & 3rd Quarter-
Halftime has begun. Lauren went over to Harrison and told him that what his teammate did was so predictable. That was the only rule that she added because of his predictability. Everyone is out of their seats and out eating, drinking, talking, stretching, eccetera. All the little kids want to see the Zamboni on the ice, and making it all nice and shiny. As everyone came back, they remembered that the score was tied 15-15. Now the game and the players have come back out to the arena and taken their positions. Lauren and Harrison are out on the ice competing against each other once again.
“That’s it! I’m not taking this s*** any longer! This game… I’m not going to lose this game to a bunch of chicks,” Harrison declared.
“You didn’t believe a d*** word I said, did you,” expressed Lauren, “Did you even remember what I told you about this game?”
“H*** I don’t know,” Harrison is just being like Walter (Jeff Dunham- Walter).
Go back to the beginning, Lauren had stated “believe me you WILL lose!” that is what she had said. Do you really think that Harrison forgot about that? He didn’t. He is trying to get on Lauren’s nerves so she won’t pay any attention to the game or where she is going. No one seems to understand that if you make Lauren mad, she gets stronger and fights harder.
4th Quarter-
Harrison had made the WORST mistake of his life! He should have not ticked off Lauren. There is only 1 minute and 45 seconds left in the game. Lauren uses her anger to steal the puck from Harrison. She shoots… she missed, but there has been a penalty shot called. If she missed this shot, she loses the whole game. Everyone did something to get her attention to show her that she can make this shot. She takes a deep breath; she swings her stick back, and hits the puck. The puck flew like a bullet. The puck is still flying, still going, still going… and… IT’S GOOD!!! She did it! She really did it! She made the shot, won the game, and won the money! Harrison was so ticked that he hired a person that can’t feel any pain. He punched Gavin. It’s ok though because Gavin has a high pain tolerance. And that’s the game.
That Monday-
It has been 2 days after the game. Lauren had called Harrison to tell him to meet her at Subway. They met up and Harrison was still disappointed that he didn’t win the game, but he still gave Lauren the money. They had still sat at the same table till they finished with their subs. They had agreed to NEVER make another bet with each other EVER again.

The author's comments:
I chose to write something like this is to let people find the lesson of the story. The lesson of this story is very strong in my opinion.

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