The Hidden Matermind | Teen Ink

The Hidden Matermind

May 14, 2013
By Anonymous

Present: This is James, right now he’s falling from the top of the Empire State to his death knowing that he will never avenge his best friend’s death, and when he dies the world will die with him.
Two hours ago: John woke up at his usual time, and looked out his apartment window to see the Chrysler building when he realized that something wasn’t right, but he couldn’t seem to sense what it was. He immediately woke James up to see if he could figure out what it was that was wrong. James looked out the window, and right away realized that there was something on the top of Chrysler building that shouldn’t be there. The two immediately got dressed, and headed out the door. John flew to the Chrysler building, while James ran. They both got there at the same time, and they both realized that it was some type of receiver. Then they scouted the rest of the city, and found that there was another receiver on top of the Empire State building. They went inside to check it out and found all of these guys with all black on holding everyone in the building hostage. The thing is anyone that defied what was happening was brought into private rooms. Nobody knows what happened in there because there wasn’t anyone that came out to say what happened.
James and John silently took out two of the thugs, and put their clothes on so nobody would notice them. Then they went to the thug that was in charge of the room and told him that he needed to see the man that was in charge of it all. Luckily he told them that Victor was on the roof of the building. The two of them passed through every floor with ease. Once they got to the top they took of the thugs clothes that they had put on, and revealed to Victor who they really were.
This wasn’t a surprise to Victor he knew that one way or another James, and John would have found their way to the top to face him.
The fight started with a uppercut to John’s chin by Victor followed by a taser shot to James. But John quickly kicked Victor in the side to throw him off balance then James hit him square in the nose. Victor instantly scrambled to his feet and grabbed his pistol, and shot John in the shoulder. John stumbled backwards, and fell off the top of the Empire State building. James was so stunned he forgot about what was happening, and Victor hit him with an uppercut, and James went flying off the building.
Now James is falling to his death from the top of the Empire State building knowing that he will never be able to avenge his best friend’s death, and that when he hits the ground, and dies, the world will die with him. But all of a sudden a hand grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him back into the building. It was John. He was so relieved that he had made it, but they both knew they couldn’t celebrate for long because they had to get back to business.
The two climbed back to the top of the building, and this time weren’t going to fail. This time the fight started with a hard punch to Victor then two of his thugs hit James, and John from behind with metal chairs. They both went down, but quickly got up, and easily knocked out the thugs, but they forgot about Victor who hit John hard in the back with a kick, and tried to do the same to James, but he was too fast. He quickly got away, and took down Victor from behind. He pinned him down he tried to punch him, but Victor was too fast. He blocked it, and threw James off him. Victor scrambled towards his gun, but John beat him to it. Then James ran over to corner Victor. He had nowhere to go, it was either surrender, and end his own legacy, or jump off the top off the top of the Empire State building, and die. He knew his life was going to be over. As he concluded that he was going to jump off the building John put Victor’s hands behind his back before he could end his life. James and John walked through every floor with Victor, and the thugs all put their guns down and surrendered immediately after they saw their leader was captured. They finally got to the last floor. Once they got to the door John punched Victor in the head once, and then left him in the hands of his own thugs. Their job wasn't over yet though they now had to destroy the satellite receivers. John took the one on the Chrysler building, and James took the one on the Empire State building. They disabled them by simply pushing them off the top of the building, and letting them fall to the ground.
They had done it, they had saved the world, and nobody knew who the world’s saviors were, and they liked it that way. So they went back to living the normal life of two friends living in an apartment in New York.

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