Prologue | Teen Ink


May 8, 2013
By Musiclover1111 SILVER, Tremont, Illinois
Musiclover1111 SILVER, Tremont, Illinois
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life is never easy for those who dream"


You know the worst part of realizing everything you knew was fake, something that is more like glass than a solid object. You realize that instead of seeing a rock hard object that holds things together its more of a magic act. The object you see is now only a mirror image that constantly wavers. Is it something cruel and sinister, damned by evil and brought to this earth to destroy your very well being? Or could it be a helpless creature that the only way it can survive is to feed off of others? I have no clue but it really is hurtful when you realize your friends are not who they seem.

Friends, I realize is not the word for these creatures, These creatures have a cloak around their heart and lets everyone see them as shimmering gold flecks of pure happiness, love, and best of all, belonging. You have not seen what these creatures really look like. Their hearts are cold as ice and they constantly rot every day and night. The world was so cruel to them that they turned into hideous monsters that rid the world of happiness and any good feeling.
They leave kids in anguish, the only thing left for the poor kids that had been a victim of these creatures is a long slender rope, hugging their neck as if it was the last hug they would ever feel. Or maybe they would leave the kids with crimson red rivers and a life of misery, because isn’t that truly more torching then death? Death would be the release of a horrible life. No that would be too easy. These creatures slowly feed on them, making them weaker and weaker until they have no will in them and beg to be released…..

The author's comments:
I was free writing about someone who hurt me. Then i started a story about it. Here's my Prologue.


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