Sword of Glory | Teen Ink

Sword of Glory

September 28, 2013
By CrystalZ SILVER, Muscat, Other
CrystalZ SILVER, Muscat, Other
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sword of Glory 1

He opened his calendar and wrote July 1st, 2063; drew a circle
in bright red marker. It was the first day of his summer break. He
lived in a city called No.6. A full developed city in Japan.
Ring.......Ring.......Ring....... He took the phone up and there was a
loud voice coming at him.

"Hey, Gary. How are you! This is Louis, there is a really
fantastic 4D movie coming up. Would you like to come with us?"

"I'm sorry, I can't, I have tons of things to do."

"That's pretty bad, this is the second holiday in our high school
year. Well, good luck with that."

"Oh, have a good day. See you." He put down the phone.

He actually didn't have to do any thing; he bought a video game
that weekend, and planned to play the game that day. The video game
was called "Sword of Glory", invented by a company called Artemis. In
a technology town, people developed this game. I required no movement
from players, controlled by mind.

He walked into the bathroom and looked into the mirror. He saw a
childish face with messed up hair, and thought "when am I going to
grow up with this face?" He brushed his teeth and washed his face
quickly, brushed his dark red hair then put on a pair of invisible
glasses. Gary walked slowly downstairs saw his mom was making

"Hey mom, good morning. Where is dad? He always makes breakfast with you."

"Good morning Gary. He said there were some problems with the the
spaceship, so he went back to space again. He wanted me to tell you
that he will be back in one week." When they were talking Gary walked
along the side way and went into the dining room. Where he saw his
younger sister, Faith, one year younger than him.

"Good morning."


Faith was in the same high school with Gary, she was better than
Gary, at almost everything. She didn't know she was an adopted child
from No.1. The higher the number of the city, the more developed the
city. Gary's mom found baby Faith when she was doing her morning run.

After breakfast, Gary when up stairs. He opened the computer and
plugged the line into the computer which was connected to a helmet.
This helmet was the product of Artemis. It provided players seance of
seeing and hearing. Players can use their minds to control the
character's speech and movements.

So, he rested on his bed and put the helmet on.

The author's comments:
A normal highschooler, what's going to happen to him?

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