Sword of Glory | Teen Ink

Sword of Glory

September 28, 2013
By CrystalZ SILVER, Muscat, Other
CrystalZ SILVER, Muscat, Other
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sword of Glory 3

Gary stood at the center of the park.

He looked over his body with clothes he had just chosen. There was was a black sword diagonally tied on his back from his right shoulder to left leg. He took the sword off and put it on the opposite way. Easier to reach, being left handed. He used his hand, drew a line from up to down in the air, then an interface showed up. He checked his personal data. It read "energy(life): full" and "level: 40".

"Ready to go." He said to himself.

It took him30 minutes to walk to the edge of the village. There, he saw a guy being chased by a yak. This man had long white hair tied up to the back side of his head. Wearing white gloves that showed his fingers, He held a dagger, trying to find a chance to strike back. Gary saw his expectancy was decrease quickly by the yak's violent attack. The man was about to give up, Gary appeared right next to him and gave the yak a shot . With a sound of cracking, the yak broke to pieces and a zillion pixels then disappeared in the air. He picked up the blue crystal and threw it to the white-haired guy. Then Gary turned back about to walk away.

"Wait," said the man.

Gary kept walking.

"Wait!!!" Almost yelling.

Gary turned back and stared at him.

"What is this?" He picked up the blue crystal and stood up.

"Transport crystal."

"So I can go anywhere with this?"

Gary nodded.

"What's your name?"he asked.


"Thank you for saving my life, Gary. I am Soul, a starter."

Gary walked closer and staring at Soul's eyes tried to find something from him, but all he saw was pure yellow-toned eyes and excitement. Gary couldn't read his mind.

"Nice to meet you."

"You seems nice and powerful, can I join your team please?"

Gary was about to say 'No, I work alone.' But he couldn't refuse those shining, yellow eyes staring at him with a poor cat's look.

"Okay, but when you are independent we will dissolve our team."

"Thanks, Gary."

Suddenly, they heard a cacophony of bell tones. In a second, they transferred to the center square. They had no idea what just happened, started looking around. They saw all kinds of people wearing fancy clothes. Gary had played this game before, yet he didn't know there was such a transport system.

The clear blue sky started to turn red. Covered with uncountable red hexagons with all capital, black words ERROR in it. Gary looked at the dome and made a silent first. When the sky became completely covered in red, something started to ooze into the dome. At last, the thing formed a huge human shape but Gary couldn't see the details. The thing started to speak in a deep man voice.

"Welcome to Sword of Glory, I am the producer of this virtual game. Oh, not fictitious any more. The helmet will immediately destroy your brain system if you died in this game and you will never again get back to the real world. There are 100 floors of worlds, the way to get to another floor is by climbing the tower. Each tower will have a boss waiting for you, don't die so fast. Of course, if you finished the last boss you will be back in the real world. Don't forget, you have only one life. Let's start this survival game. Good luck, discoverers."

The sky turned to the blue sky in a few minutes, everyone stood silent and some started to panic.

"We are trapped in this game, Gary." Soul gave him a worried look.

Gary didn't say any thing just went through what the man had said in his brain again and again. Then he checked the interface and found a new pice of information, It read " population: 50000"

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