Sword of Glory | Teen Ink

Sword of Glory

September 28, 2013
By CrystalZ SILVER, Muscat, Other
CrystalZ SILVER, Muscat, Other
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sword of Glory 4

Gary closed the interface and walked away.

Soul followed him quietly at the back.

"Gary, are you okay?"Soul asked

"I am fine."Soul knew something was wrong with Gary.


"Let's dissolve our team." Gary stood still and turned around to face him.

"What's wrong with you?" Soul couldn't understand why he would say that to him.

"Soul, listen. I have to be honest with you, I have played this game before. And I got to level 40. It's going to be really dangerous if you follow me like this. It's not a game anymore, this is real life." Gary gave him a serious look.

"Wow... That is news to me." He looked at Gary like he had never met him before.

Gary looked through the interface and formed his team, then clicked on the cross with soul's name next to it. In a second Soul saw a message, " Do you want to dissolve the team with Gary?' Soul clicked "no" without thinking. Gary was surprised.

"There is a really high chance that you will be killed if you follow me. Aren't you afraid ?" Gary was trying to convince him that to stay with him was much more dangerous than he thought it would be.

"Aren't you going to protect me?"

Gary didn't answer the question. He stood in silent, looking at him.

"You shouldn't have left me here as a team. I have no idea about this game and I just know I will die in the real world if I die here. Isn't that better to follow a person who knows about this game rather than doing it all on my own."

"We'll, can't argue with you. " he turned away and kept walking.

Soul smiled and followed him along the road.

"Soul, we need to think how to make your levels increase faster."

One month later.

"Soul, get up! It's a big day, you will reach level 40 today!" Gary gave him a punch although not hard enough to hurt him.

"Can't I sleep a little bit more? You did this to me every single day this month, it's torturer. Where is my watch? It's 4.00 now. Wake me up at 9.00." Soul turned away from Gary, and covered his head with the quilt.

"Wake up, or else no breakfast." Gary put on his black windbreaker and walked out.

"No, no, no, no, no, wait, Gary wait!" He knew how tired he would be at lunch if he had no breakfast.

When he walked out the hotel, Soul saw Gary was already there waiting. He walked closer and Gary handed him a double beef sandwich.

"Thanks." He took over the food.

"Let's go, there 's a boss waiting for you on the tower."

Soul kept thinking about things that happened to him this past month. Is this a game? There is just one tower connecting between 2 worlds, about a hundred of then are connected like this. If he passes this tower, he will be on 36th floor. He checked the interface while eating. The population showed a huge decrease. From the original 50,000 now 40,018. He was glad that he chose to follow Gary. Or else he would be among those 9,982 people. Dead.

They took a two hour hike and finally arrived the at the bottom of the tower.

They saw a massive dark blue door in front of them. On the door, stars were shining. They took a look at the handle of the door, them pushed it open.

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