The Never Ending Monday | Teen Ink

The Never Ending Monday

October 21, 2013
By Annie Weber BRONZE, Mayfield Hts., Ohio
Annie Weber BRONZE, Mayfield Hts., Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Beep Beep” the alarm screaming until it explodes.

I arise with mascara on my chin, to lipstick in my hair and drool slipping off my lip I say “Wow… I’m looking rough” and fix the disaster.

After hours on end of completing my look, I rush out the door to my broken down Saturn. As I blare my Rascal flats with my one working stereo, I arrive to school. As I run late into homeroom I trip over the invisible string connected from door to door with the 5 inch boost from my stilettos.

“AHHHH!!!” I scream with tears filling my eye balls and a face as red as my broken down Saturn.

I knew I should have worn flats for senior celebrity, being the clumsy blonde I am. My books lay on the ground as my left foot cries of pain and my stiletto across the hallway lonely and torn. Screaming in the inside and composed on the outside.

I say to myself “How did this happen to me, “and I arise once again, kepping my head high.
I walk to 4th period and come to a stop.


Shaking, I look up and see a face full of anxiety.

I say “Sorry Mr. Fry, it’s been a rocky Monday” He sighs and paces away, and my head is slightly lower.

As my day continues it progressively gets worse. Its 2:15 and I have my warm cup of coffee. As I take the first sip... The sip turned into a whole cup of coffee.

“Oh My God” I scream franticly, with coffee dripping down my skin, and my head is very low.
My blonde hair was very apparent when running into the glass door; we all have our blonde moments. Finally the bell rings and its 3:00. I power walk outside, gathering the goodies and ready to sell.

“ONE COOKIE ONE DOLLAR, GET YOU’RE SWEETS!!!!” Screaming with smiles and pride, we make 100 dollars for our charity, and I feel my head arise slightly more.

Right as I think my day has turned around, it hits me hard like a wrecking ball. I enter the classroom where I left my car keys. There’s only dust on the bookshelf.

Pacing back and forth screaming, “MRS.CZKRAY! My wallet and keys are gone, my life’s over!” and my head was pointed directly to the ground.

Mrs. Czkray says calmly “Close your eyes Annie. Regain your inner strength. Now, open your eyes and start your day.”

The best words of advice I’ve ever heard at 4:15 as my day spiraled out of control. This is the sentence that finally turned my day around and feeling fresh on Tuesday.

“Beep, Beep”, the alarm sings until the song ends.

I arise, and say, “Close your eyes. Regain your inner strength. Now, open your eyes and start your day” and this Tuesday I kept my head high from 7 am till the night was over.

The author's comments:
My inspiration to this piece was the monday parts of this story came to life. I am a blonde and in fact ran into the glass door, and spelled like coffee grinds the rest of my monday. It was a rough start to my week but hey, im still okay.

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