The Run | Teen Ink

The Run

October 22, 2013
By Madsss BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Madsss BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Horses aren't my whole life, they make me whole.

Every time my foot touches the ground, I’m one step closer to dying. I can hear the sounds of the breaking sticks getting louder every second. I never thought this would happen like this. I stopped. I started to think that right now, these are the last moments of my freedom. My heart stopped. I jumped. I could barely see around me. The wind was pounding my face. My eyes were in a great pain. I just keep falling.
Pain shot through me. The ground, as hard as a rock. I have scrapes and cuts everywhere. I had no idea where I was. All I could see where trees. I was scared. I didn’t know what to do. Should I run, or should I just sit here for the night. They will come searching for me. I’m sure of that. No idea when or how. But they will come.

The author's comments:
This is a introduction to a story my friend and I wrote. And I'm going too finish the story soon. Hope you enjoy :)

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