robots | Teen Ink


February 12, 2014
By taygurl816 BRONZE, A Town, Illinois
taygurl816 BRONZE, A Town, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
the problem is not the problem, the problem is your attitude about the problem, do you understand? -jack sparrow

Rami’s mother has always been very strict, now that the world is close to an end, she is even more harsh about rules than ever. He has to stay in the basement, he isn’t allowed to produce any noise or light, she doesn’t want the robots to find him. Rami is her only son, so she is very over protective. Rami’s dad was killed in war against the bots, he wasn’t the brightest fellow. Rami never knew his dad, he left when he was only a baby, Mother received a message from the government when he was killed.

Rami sat in a basement closet and turned on his laptop. He played computer games for about an hour before his mother came down with supper.
“Rami!” she called. “Where are you?!” she came to the closet door and opened it. “Rami! you can’t be on the computer! It gives off light and the robots could see it, then come kill you!” Rami closed the laptop and kept his head down. His Mother handed him a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, took the computer, and walked back upstairs.
Rami stood up and walked over to one of the boarded windows. The wood was on pretty good but one board is slightly tilted, so it’s kind of difficult to resist looking out, especially if you are always locked up in a dark basement. He peeked outside through the crack. The world was very dark and trashed. The grass was a chocolate brown, and it was covered in bones. There were bodies as far as the eye could see, but no robots in sight.

We are defenseless against them, He thought, We will soon all be dead. He wondered why the government was doing this. The bots didn’t come from some other planet like in the movies, they were created by scientists in some fancy lab working for the governor Andrew Willis. 5 years ago, in the year of 3020, the president; vice president; cabinet, and everyone else in the presidential line had been blown up in an attack by unknown terrorists, leaving the people with only Andrew as leader… and not a very good one.

He had the scientists create the bots without telling them his intentions. He is a very selfish man, he wants all the power for himself, and he did not like the free will that the people were protesting for. Andrew is “Teaching them a lesson” by killing them all. Rami had once, during his secret computer time, read online about the lab where the bots were created. the scientists had made the bots knowing they were very dangerous. They put a shutdown button in a room of their lab. When Andrew found out about this, he killed the scientists, and put a robot guard on the room.

One of the bots had enough power to kill an army, so with 200 bots out there, the world is a very dangerous place. The people had discovered that these bots were indestructible during the 3024 war with them, the one Rami’s dad had willingly fought in, and died. Rami continued to look out at the dead people on the ground. Family, friends, neighbors, the innocent people that died trying to protect their country. Rami wished he could serve them, and fight against the bots. Maybe not directly, or physically, but he wanted to help. The button in the lab… He thought, If I could get to it, I can save the entire human race! He ran over to the staircase, and up to the basement door. He cracked it open a peek, to signal to anyone in the room that he wanted to enter, and asking if it was ok. Rami’s mom responded seemingly instantly. She jumped forward, into the basement, closing the door behind her.

“What is it?” she asked, concerned because Rami rarely ever dares to come upstairs.

“I know how to stop the bots!”


“If you just let me go outside, I can make it to the lab in like 3 minutes because its just down the road and…..”

“Your father DIED out there!” his mom cutted in, “If a 32 year old man can’t make it, I seriously doubt that a 13 year old boy can!”

“But mom! I can save us all!”

“Enough! I already gave you my answer!” The anger in her voice sent chills down Rami’s back. She turned and slammed the door.

Rami was not ready to take no for an answer. If he could stop the bots, he would. He ran over to the window with the open spot between the wood. He slid his fingers in, and ripped off one board. when he didn’t see any, He ran and he ran, all the way to the lab. He was surprised to see it there, tall and fragile, unprotected from the outside. Of course, it wouldn’t need outside protection. The one bot inside would be enough. He took a deep breath, and entered the lab.

He was walking in a room of chemicals, amazed by all the experiments. He saw a cage of rats that were blue, and had 7 legs, and a crate of explosives that had never been touched. he walked slowly, watching out for the robot that was rumored to be there. He heard a creak, and before he knew it, he had been hit in the head by something and was on the ground. He didn’t scream, he just twisted. Had the bot found him? No. He turned to see a body, it must have fallen from the floor above. He noticed that there was a hole in the ceiling. something had to have knocked the body off, and the only thing in the lab was….. the bot, and where the bot was, the button had to be near by.

Rami pushed the body off of him and struggled to his feet. He looked around. The hole in the ceiling was about 50 feet above his head, and the staircase leading to the second floor had been boarded up by Andrew many years ago. He looked at the sealed staircase, and then back at the hole, and finally he noticed a way up.

He saw a bookshelf with potion books up against the wall, that made it up about 3 quarters of the way. Above that was a wall shelf, with empty bottles of some sort. directly above the wall shelf, was a window, with a pane just barely big enough for him to climb across, and that led him directly to the ceiling near the hole. He made his way up the two shelves, then he climbed up onto the window pane and slowly moved across. With a single boost, he leaped from the window, and his stomach slammed into an edge of the hole, where he pulled himself up onto the landing. He took a second to breathe, before he remembered to check his surroundings.

Scientists bodies lined every foot of the floor, and at the end of the line of bodies, stood a robot. Big, metal, and very intimidating. The robot turned to face Rami, and before he knew it, it was charging at him, full speed! Rami ducked last minute, and slid between the robot’s legs. It turned around again, and shot laser eye beams at Rami! He jumped out of the way, and slammed into the side of a wall by accident, and fell on his butt. As he was standing up, he noticed a door on the other side of the room. The bot was charging at him again. Terrified, Rami managed to run right by it, passed the hole in the floor, and over to the door, without tripping on any scientist’s bodies. He jerked the handle and flew into the room. The robot was coming at him with a gun arm. Rami looked quickly around the room for the button. The robot burst into the room and fired, but rami dodged the bullet. He leaped into the air, avoiding the shots from the bot. He landed directly in front of the button, and he pushed it.

The author's comments:
I wrote this in my writing class for my 7th grade sci-fi unit

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