Dialogue Story | Teen Ink

Dialogue Story

May 28, 2014
By Anonymous

Dialogue Story

“What are you doing today” the Nike shoes said.
“Hopefully I am finally getting sold! Sitting in this stinky old shoebox just is not okay with me.” Replied the Adidas shoe.
“Yeah I have only been here for a couple of weeks and I am already tired of it. How long have you been in here?” said the Nike shoe.
“Unfortunately, this is my 7th month in here. It has been that long and the worst part about it, I have been here the longest out of every shoe in this store. I just feel like nobody will ever buy me.” said the Adidas shoe.
“Oh.. Well I am deeply sorry about that. You can’t have that type of attitude though! You are a very pretty shoe and sooner or later you will get sold. “
“Thanks for the support, but I have already given up.
“I will bet you that you will get sold sooner or later, or even today. I have a great feeling about you.” Replied the Nike shoe.
A couple minutes pass and one of the employees comes in the back room where the shoes are located. The Employee grabs the Adidas shoe and heads to the customer. The customer loves the shoe and is going to buy them. The employee brings the shoe back to the room for a moment and the shoes start talking again.

“GUESS WHAT! GUESS WHAT!?” The Adidas shoe says to the Nike Shoe.

“What!?” The Nike shoe said.

I got sold! You were right! I went out there and the girl tried me on and she loved me. I am finally getting sold.”

“I told you! Looks like I won that bet huh?”

“Yes you sure did. Well I got to go. The Employee is coming back. Hopefully I see you see you soon! goodbye.” Said the Adidas shoe.

“Yes hopefully soon. Goodbye.”The Nike shoe replied.

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