the real batman | Teen Ink

the real batman

October 6, 2014
By kennethr24 BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
kennethr24 BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I woke up suddenly from my nap after school, which helped revive my patience, all I wanted to do was go back to sleep but I gained too much energy from my rest, so I called to my grandmother I’ll be back in a few hours I’m going to go for a walk around the country side.

She replied, ‘’Ok just be back before dark, and bring back some dinner if you don’t mind.’’

I conveniently thought ok, I will if I have time, so on my way into town I only thought about that midnight drive and how the gentle night cruise and how it turned so bad so fast because the demon that has been hunting my family had made me a little orphan I was in my but that was about 16 years ago when I was just a toddler so how would I know if it was even real or just my imagination as most little kids do. Then I stopped to clear my head and the cold country air was clear easy to breathe in but I could taste the dust picked up from someone speeding down the dirt road so then I bursted into a sprint and made it into town in about 6-10 minutes.

When I had finally reached town I stopped to catch my breath and all I could smell was a bakery around the corner a few buildings down and the instead of picking up food and taking it back to my grandmother’s home I thought why bring it back this early when I still have about an hour so instead I walked inside the park then headed into the gym, and played basketball for a few minutes with a some people I met one of them kind of seemed familiar in a disturbing way. So about 30 minutes past and I went to get dinner. I stopped at a store on the way back, it was getting dark by the time I was heading down the dirt road as I once did and I could feel a yawn coming on I quickly let it out and as soon as my eyes shut I heard a whack sound and I was unconscious then I awoke in a jail cell.

I quickly asked “what am I doing here I didn’t do anything wrong’’.
A minute passed with no answer and then I heard a large door swing open then shut just as fast and I looked around and I had seen a cop about 5’6 with a light brown uniform on then he quietly spoke.

I heard him say “What do you mean you didn’t do anything wrong? You are a witness and a victim.’’

“A witness to what, I have no idea what you’re talking about all I know is I was getting grocery’s   and then walking back to grandmas when I suddenly blacked out now I’m in here, also  if I’m a witness and victim then what am I doing in jail?” I asked in an angry mood. 

“You are in there for extra protection because it can’t hurt plus there’s a couple of beds that Officer Harper and I laid you down on’’ he explained

“Well can I at least get out of here that way I can call my grandmother so we can tell her what’s going on?”
“No someone is hunting your family and has for about 16 years tracking, waiting, learning, and lurking just waiting for its chance.’’

“Well then shouldn’t we make sure the premise is secure.’’
“I already have my pistol loaded, and Officer  Harper is right outside that door watching the only exit so your about as safe as you can get.’’ He promised.

Okay but then the door suddenly flew open and a dark figure stepped into the door and the small officer reached for his gun then the figure spoke.

All he said was ‘’It didn’t work out for him, what makes you think it will work for you.” He spoke in a raspy hoarse voice. He took the guns trigger and squeezed it and shot at the figure who immediately dodged the bullet and it hit me in the leg. Then, the cop was shot by the demon and then it disappeared into the night leaving me locked in the jail cell for dead but I turned my pants into a lasso and grabbed his body with the end and got the key and opened then I pulled the patrol officers body toward and snatched the keys and got in the squad car and looked in the glove box for a map and see I if could find grandmas and luckily I found a first aid kit and a 9mm pistol with a clip that held 9 bullets, I put the keys in the ignition and started the car but then I got an idea to go look for a police dog because I’ve always wanted to ride around, with one so I found with a collar that said Riley on it but he wouldn’t come out of the cage cause he knew I wasn’t a cop the I went back in the building and put on a uniform and found  a key for an armory then I looked around and finally found the door to the armory so then I went inside and found gun like the m16 and a 12 gauge Remington shotgun, so I loaded up and got the dog and headed off to save my family I finally reached my grandmother’s house and I knocked on the door………No answer so I used the key that she gave me and opened the door and it was pitch black in the house so then” I yelled grandma where are you” still no response then I found a red spot on the carpet and I looked up to find Riley growling at the closet so I crept closer and closer to the closet and prepared myself for the worse, then out of nowhere I suddenly whispered, “grandma are you in here still no answer.” I slowly opened the door and felt as if something grabbed me by the neck throwing me across the room knocking me unconscious and I awoke to see Riley by my side whimpering with black goo on his face I immediately knew what it was, it was the beast blood and I stumbled on to the front porch to see the creature in broad daylight carrying a body of which I had recognized and yelled out to the monster “hey, earlier you were said you are going to kill me right well here I am now come, get me and lets finish this silly game of cat and mouse let's finish this.”

He chuckled” why would I kill you when I can torment you after all you couldn’t stop me but instead all you’re doing is wasting mine and your time.”

I slowly raised my 9mm and shot at him three times and while I shot he asked, “Why do you want to die so much”

I replied “Family is the only thing in this world and the next that is worth suffering for and you and I both know that.”

He took the cloak and showed his black wings once more and his height and agility by dodging my bullets then I had heard 1 more gun shot when I had run out and he had stopped inches from my face and black goo started trickling down his face and he slowly fell to the ground with a piercing grey in his eyes I had looked behind him and seen none other than my grandma holding the very same Remington that I had dropped when I was thrown across the house, she asked me if I knew what was going on and I slowly answered “It’s over.”

We had walked back into the house and seen Riley on the floor silent and still so we took him into the back yard to bury him and after we did we looked around and I quickly noticed the demon was gone, in a mere flash I heard a whisper in my ear saying “you need to learn to watch your back because you don’t know what could be behind you.’’ I quickly turned just to be shot by the same gun that I believe had killed him and I slowly pulled out the m16 from my back and shot him over and over to make sure that he was dead and will never move again he asked his final question, “how are you still alive when I shot you”.

I simply replied “I am not stupid enough to forget to wear a bullet proof vest” he just laughed and said “if only your parents were as clever as you boy” I lost my temper and shot him with the remaining ammunition from my weapon. Then after I knew for a fact he was dead and then I said “Don’t come back.”  About 10 min later his body started to disintegrate  in the sunlight .


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