Good Old Boring | Teen Ink

Good Old Boring

November 13, 2014
By skyman500 BRONZE, New York, New York
skyman500 BRONZE, New York, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Hey, Gecepi Hinklemimer here, the most boring kid ever. My life is the worst, no I am not very poor, or sick, or any of that other stuff. My life is horrible because it’s so boring, yes, I know it could be worse, but still it’s so boring. And that’s just the way I like it, you know why, well I’ll tell you, it all started one day, I was walking home with my best friend, Francisco, or Franky as I call him…

“Hey, Franky?” I asked.
“Ya?” he said, with little attention.
“Do you ever wonder if life’s ever going to get more exciting?” oh boy, Franky was probably thinking, this again.
“ Listen Geci, I just do what I’m supposed to do, I wake up, I go to school, I do my work, I go home, and then I go to sleep again.”
“ I know, but, just don’t you feel like theres something more, something different…” by that point Franky has already drifted off, probably dreaming of chocolate bars or something. When I got home I sat down did my homework, had dinner, and got ready for bed, the whole time, just thinking about how life couldn’t be less blank. Then, out of the corner of my window, I spotted a shooting star. I thought, well better make a wish, not like it’s going to come true anyway. So I wished for my life to have more adventure in it. I turned out the lights and went to bed.
I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock at 6 as always, I got into the shower pod as usual, I had my morning steak as always… wait I don’t have an alarm clock, come to think of it, I don’t have a shower pod, and I've never had steak for breakfast before either! And just as I was turning around, the TV turned on all by itself! And some guy at a desk appeared on the screen!
“Lieutenant Hinkle! why are you not at the agency, and where are you going! did you forget where  telepad is again?” I was just to bonk myself in the face just to make sure that I wasn’t still dreaming, when I remembered the shooting star! I was just about to start partying right there in the doorway, when the man started talking again.”Well I won’t wait all day!” he pressed some kind of button and a platform drove in front of me.
Well this is probably that teleporter thingy the guy was talking about. so I stepped on it, and zoom! I’m in some kind of secret base, wearing some kind of work suit. Then the man from earlier walked up to me, followed by who I suspect was his secretary, and said “Hinkle! you are 10 minutes late! get to work immediately or you are fired!” He pointed to some sort of office. I sat down. After about 10 minutes of sitting around, wondering what’s happening, I hear this crazy beeping, ond on my computer screen, is that guy again! What is it with him and screens?
“emergency meeting in 1 minute!” he said with just a hint fright. Well I just followed everyone else to some kind of conference room. The same guy was there at the head of the table. We all sat down and he started discussing something. Some blah blah blah later, by the way I am not a very good listener, the “screen man,” what, I’ve got to call him something, said “I need a volunteer to go on this mission, and stop Cat King once and for all!” Now I thought, this is what I’ve been waiting for!, so I sprung up, and volunteered.
You would not believe the cool stuff they gave me, laser pen, rocket pants, invincible coat, and all that! But next thing I know, I’m on another pad, with all my gear, being saluted at. “good luck soldier” said screen man, with a tear in his eye, I wonder why, I mean, the enemy guy’s name is Cat King, how stupid is that? Well, his name might be cuddly, but he is not, when I think cats, I think cute little domestic kittens, NOT FEROCIOUS, MAN EATING LIONS! Well, I ran, I ran, like the EVIL CHEETAH THAT CHASED ME, luckily I managed to shoot it with my laser pen. I hid in a barrel until the “C.K.’s” goons stopped looking for me, man, they’re dum, even dumber than in the movies that I watched. I was walking on the streets when I saw the same shooting star I saw just the night before, and you know what, thats right, I wished for things to go back to normal. Suddenly I started getting dizzy, and eventually, I fainted. I woke up, a kid again, no suit, no alarm clock, and it wasn’t even at 6, no shower pod, just a normal shower, no telepads, no steak, just normal cereal. I’m home again! Back to my normal, boring life, and you know what, I was ok about that.

And thats the story of how I became very happy and grateful of the great life that I’m living.

The End

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