The worlds end | Teen Ink

The worlds end

November 14, 2014
By Anonymous

Meteors fall from the sky crushing cars and clipping building, like hail falling from the clouds on a stormy day. People screams fill the air, jumping and running as families rush to their homes to safe themselves from whatever happens next.
   Everyone all over the country and global are shocked, tornados touch ground all over the states of Oklahoma, Texas and Florida and even some way up to the North and to the West. Hurricanes completely put Florida, Louisiana and even some parts if Georgia, Massachusetts and all the way up to Maine under water.
Earth quakes shake and rumble the United States so bad it splits and destroys everything. People cry and ask for forgiveness as they knew their lives would shortly end. Fires start in grass fields and bare parts of the U.S reaching houses and blowing up cars spitting debris   everywhere crushing and trapping people in their own front lawns, holes began to form in the soil leading to the center of the earth. Trees fall to the ground crushing anything that’s right in its path, know ones safe anymore houses are flat with no site of the roofs. Then the world turns to a pause only hearing only the breeze of the wind. ‘BOOM’ everything turns white, there no site of anything.

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