Pablo and the Medallion | Teen Ink

Pablo and the Medallion

January 30, 2015
By BRONZE, St. Charles, Missouri BRONZE, St. Charles, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 Pablo was born in Present Day, Mexico. He was born into complete poverty on the streets of Mexico City.  In his early ages, he was taken away from his family and raised by a man and his wife, Rachel. Peter and Rachel owned a farm that was fairly large and far away from any public life.  Pablo was home schooled, and fairly intelligent for his age.

One day, as Pablo was going through his routine for the chickens, he discovered a golden egg.  Pablo decided to let the egg hatch, and after a few weeks, it finally did. Out of this magnificent egg came a sort of hybrid that appeared to be a lion and zebra.  The lebra was like no other animal.  It was about the size of a large chicken, and was born with wings attached to its sides.
“I have been sent here by a great spirit to alert you of a journey,” spoke the lebra.  Pablo was astonished at this sight.
He was barely even able to speak, but managed to choke out these few words,” What sort of journey?”
“This journey consists of a series of fights to achieve a special radiant medallion that will bring world peace.”
“Where shall I travel to acquire this medallion?” asked Pablo.
“In here,” exclaimed the lebra as it opened up a blue and black portal in the wall.  ”This portal leads to a point in Africa. I will guide you on your journey as you travel across this area.”
“What shall I call you?” asked Pablo.
“Call me Raquan.”
Pablo thought about this journey, and decide to go, but first he needed to suit up.  Pablo went back to his house and found some spiked brass knuckles I a chest.  He searched around a bit more and got a water bottle, for he didn’t want to be dehydrated.  As Pablo returned to the portal, he wrote a letter to his parents explaining this crazy miracle.  The note read, “I have been called for a quest across Africa to acquire a special medallion.  If I do not return, please continue without me.”  That is all Pablo had time to write before entering the portal with Raquan.
The portal lead to a vast desert that went on for miles.  Raquan and Pablo walked through the desert for hours, and eventually Pablo felt dizzy.  He sat down, and in the area ahead, he saw what looked like a man running toward him.  In an instant, he passed out.  After waking up, Raquan was staring down at him, confused.  Pablo just assumed that all of this was due to heat stroke.
But soon enough, Pablo looked ahead to find a hooded man dressed in all black making his way toward Pablo.  When he reached Pablo, blades emerged from his wrists.  The hooded man swung and slashed Pablo’s forearm.  Pablo became angered, and punched the man in the jaw, causing him to collapse.  The assassin reached into his belt, revealing a dagger.  Pablo kicked the dagger away, and finished him off, only to uncover a golden skeleton key.  As soon has he acquired it, he and Raquan were teleported to two gates.  The gates opened, and with that, Raquan and Pablo entered.  They traveled across a sky bridge with many old, dusty human skeletons below.
“You didn’t tell me about this!” exclaimed Pablo.
“That’s because I didn’t know,” said Raquan.
Stairs led to the bottom of the sky bridge.  It was at this moment that the two realized that this was an arena.  Out of a dark hallway, a spider tank emerged.  It was about twenty times Pablo’s size, and had a massive cannon on its body.  Pablo ran away into another hallway to figure out his plan, but comes across a chest with a rocket launcher and many rounds of ammunition inside.  Pablo loaded a round, fired, and blew out one of the tank’s legs.  The tank fired back, and destroyed the ground next to Pablo.  He loaded another round, and fired, destroying three of the tank’s legs.  The battery of the tank was now visible.  With precision, Pablo loaded another round, fired, and the whole tank completely exploded.  The medallion lied on what was left of the tank.
The medallion brought Pablo to a village.  He searched around for quite a bit, and met a woman named Willina.  They introduced themselves to each other.
“What are you doing here?” asked Willina.
“Well, it’s a long story,” replied Pablo.
Willina invited Pablo over for some tea, but he still had to find Raquan.  Just outside of the village, Pablo found him.
“You have done it my friend.  Now the beings on the world may be at rest,” said Raquan.
“Yes, and I thank you for your help,” replied Pablo.  Pablo told Raquan that he didn’t wish to return home, and with that, Raquan left.  Willina and Pablo hung out for the afternoon, and that village is where Pablo spent the rest of his days.

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