Escape the rain | Teen Ink

Escape the rain

February 8, 2015
By TheEukaryote17 PLATINUM, Hull, Massachusetts
TheEukaryote17 PLATINUM, Hull, Massachusetts
23 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” - MLK

It's done. The rain had stopped. It's like that's all it ever does anymore, is rain. Everything is gloomy. What can you expect? We're all trapped here. We could take a stand. But who will? Most have the power, in fact that's why we're trapped. I don't have the power, I've wanted to have one since I was little though. I don't belong here. "Where's the rainbow?" My friend mud asked me. "You expect a rainbow, with this fate?" I asked him. "The grass is greener on the other side of the fence." He told me. Talking about how out of this camp is our freedom. "Yeah, but it's not like you can climb it." I said showing that it isn't as easy as he thinks. "We won't need to climb it if we can destroy it." He said. "And how would we do that, mud?" I asked. "I'm sure someone in here could." He was hinting that someone would have to power that would help our escape. We've been in here for years, if we were caught escaping we would be killed immediately, but it's not like we have a life anyway. "I know a guy, named splinter." He said. "What's his power?" I asked. "Skeleton on the outside. With sharp boney thorns sticking out." He answered. "How will that help us." I asked again. "That's not what you asked the first time." He said truthfully. "Okay, just answer me." I commanded. "Emit, uses him. He works for him. He's not a bad guy though." He said. "What do you mean he's not a bad guy, he works for the leader of this concentration camp!" I said. "Just trust me." He said. We agreed we would meet him there tomorrow. It was past curfew, it was too late to do anything. If we were caught anyway we would be hurt.

The day was practically over. I went to sleep. I slept on the floor, there wasn't much room in the shack I slept in. They didn't care about us. I'm not surprised. That's what prejudice leads to. Fear, hate, injustice... Then what I'm going to have, revenge. With that thought, I fell asleep. Good dreams, huh? It's always a nightmare here. Sure they provide shelter, but it's not like they want us here. Or like they want us at all. Or like they want us on the planet for god sake.

I awoke the next morning. I went to work. Mud was there. We worked together, which was pretty much our life, so we were together 20 hours a day. Only apart for 4 hours, when we slept. But that would change soon. "Where is this splinter?" I asked him. He didn't notice me at first. "Hey!" He called out to splinter. The soldier guards didn't like that, but they didn't hurt him. Splinter acted like he was working and came over to us. "Nice to meet you." He said, talking to me. "The name is lefty." I told him. Obviously that wasn't my real name. But I'm not the same. I barely ever in my life used my real name, even as a child. I use the name lefty because I feel that most are right handed, and being left handed is about all the different I am from everyone else. It doesn't matter that my parents have super abilities, I don't. Therefore I do not fit in with people with abilities or people without them. "That's strange." He told me, about my name. "Says the guy named splinter." I said laughing lightly. "Touché." He replied. "So I heard your high in power." I told him. "That is true." He replied. "And that you could help us out of here." I revealed. "That is true as well." He thankfully said. "How?" I asked. "Like you said yourself. High in power." He told me. "But if I help you escape. Me and my girlfriend, Cara are coming with you two." He demanded. "What is her ability?" I asked. "She was a part of a witch crafting clan, she can create potions and is a master in martial arts with her sword" he answered. "Okay, if you can make sure our escape is successful, bring anyone you want." I told him. "No, that's all I need." He said. "How romantic!" I said sarcastically. "Want anyone else to bring?" I asked mud. "No, your all I need lefty!" He replied. "Oh! That's so sweet!" I told him, mocking splinter. "Yeah, thanks guys!" Said splinter. I was glad there was a smile. I wasn't able to smile, before then. Even learning I would soon escape made me happy. It was good. "What do you need?" Splinter asked. I had thought about this for a while. "I need to know when the guards wouldn't be watching and I need weapons." I told splinter. "Bad news. The weapons will be hard to get, and the guards are always watching." Splinter said. "How can we help you get the weapons? What weapons can you get?" I asked. "My girlfriend has her sword, mud can be a weapon, I have my bones, and what do you want?" He asked. I thought about it, I want a lot if defense, and some painful offense. "Anything with fire and armor?" I asked. "Odd combo, but yes!" He said. "There is an electronic robotic suit inside used by guards in the case of a riot." He said. "Great idea!" Mud said. "What?" Splinter and I asked. "We start a riot! That's how we get the weapons! We distract the guards with a riot!" Mud explained. "I don't know about that." I said. "How else will we?" Splinter asked. "Okay, but what if someone gets hurt?" I asked. "You expect it to be easy and safe? Nothing in here is easy or safe. This will be the last thing, then we escape." Mud told me. I agreed that this would be worth it. I had a bad feeling about it though. We decided to do it tonight because we couldn't wait any longer. Splinter would secretly start the riot and then he would sneak away out of emits palace into the camps with us. We would meet up where we discussed our plan.

Mud and I waited together. Mud noticed the riot starting before I did. "You ready?" He asked. I immediately knew what he was talking about, I couldn't get it off my mind. "Yeah, were outta here!" I told him. "Let's go!" He said excitedly. We rushed into the riot that already had half of the camp fighting. We eventually all met where we agreed to. "Here's your suit!" Splinter told me. I pressed a button on the package that unlocked it and it transformed it to its normal size. "Put it on quickly!" Mud told me. I saw that cara was with splinter. I had no time to introduce myself though. "Oh, my god." She said. "What?" I asked worried deeply. "Emit has seen us." She said. "He's coming for us right now." She said as scared as I've ever heard anyone. "Go on to escape! I'll be right behind you!" I said to them. "Lefty, you have to come with us!" Mud said worried about me. "I will be!" I assured him. "I'm not leaving you!" Mud tried to convince me. "No! Go and I'll be right there you!" I tried to assure and convince him. I was still suiting up. It was giant heavy armor. I was trying to go as fast as I could. It was over my head for the most of the time. "Just focus and put it on!" He said becoming very frightened. I eventually put the suit on completely.

I turned around to see how close emit was. He was less than 2 feet from me. I saw him, he looked disturbingly frightening. He reached out and simply touched my shoulder lightly with his index finger. I felt a burning feeling, all over me. It was painful. Eventually in moments it increased in pain enormously. I felt it, my skin. I do not want to explain it, but let's just say emits power was horrifying. The suit protected the rest of my body from the air which would be harmful to it. Mud helped me up from the ground. He smothered emit in mud as we ran away.

We eventually caught up with splinter and Cara. I still couldn't talk, my pain hadn't gone away at all. Cara cut the fence open with her sword. We had escaped then. "Hi, my name is Cara, but call me by my assassin name: the bone witch." She introduced herself. Mud explained why I can't talk. "Emit..." Mud said, clearly sufficing of an explanation of what I had been through. "Wait, he took it?" She asked. Mud didn't answer her, he couldn't. We were out now though. We rested for only a few moments before running even more. To get away, as far as possible from that horrible place. We had escaped, the rain. We had escaped the reign.

The author's comments:

This takes place in my hero storyline in era 6. In this story a group of people with super abilities try to escape a concentration camp that imprisons people with super abilities. 


This article has 1 comment.

on Feb. 20 2015 at 11:26 am
TheEukaryote17 PLATINUM, Hull, Massachusetts
23 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” - MLK

What is it that you like so much about this... So I can put in it the sequel!