Powder | Teen Ink


February 19, 2015
By Anonymous

"Wow this powder is incredible today," I yelled as Uncle Jim flew by me like a shot out of  a cannon.  The conditions were perfect and the sky was as blue as a sapphire.  A few clouds passed by every so often, but it looked like it was going to be a perfect day for hitting the slopes.  It wasn't often that Uncle Jim was around to go skiing with me and when he made the offer to take me last year I wasn't going to turn it down.  He had taught me all I knew about the sport and he was a master at it.  I wasn't too shabby either and I had always watched him closely in hopes of being as good as he was. He would always say to me, "Anyone can slide down a mountain, but it's your style that makes you great."

I knew this was going to be a great day and I would cherish the time we had together.  The weather couldn't have been more perfect.  The sky was clear, there was no wind and the temperature was cold, but comfortable. It was my first time out for the year so of course I was a bit rusty, but just like riding a bike it comes back to you in an instant. 
We met at the bottom by the lodge, jumped back on the lift and we were off.  The lift scooped us up like an upward moving shovel, smoothly ascending the steep mountain.  I always felt free on the ski lift, high above the barren trees, as we watched all the skiers below zigging and zagging their way down the mountain. In a flash we reached the summit. Uncle Jim gave me a sly look and he was off using all his strength to get a head start down the trail.  The race was on and as I started to pick up the pace I tucked myself in formation for my Uncle's challenge.  I was free with the crisp air hitting my face in such a way that it almost took my breath away.  The fluffy snow rose up behind me like the plume of a rooster's tail as I made my way down the mountain.  My uncle and I were neck in neck and as we came around the last turn he took the lead and was gone.  As I reached the bottom there he was leaning on his poles.  "About time you made it Bud, can't keep up with an old man can you?" he said with a playful grin.  I replied, "Awwww, I felt sorry for you so I let you have the lead."  We both laughed like a couple of kids and knew it was going to be a great day.
We skied for what seemed like only minutes and we soon realized that hours had passed like a blur and our stomachs informed us that they were famished. "Guess it's time for a pit stop for some grub." Uncle Jim announced and I was all for it.  The lodge was bustling with cold, hungry skiers, but we were lucky enough to find a newly vacated table right next to the roaring fire in the massive, stone fireplace.  The warmth from the fire was welcomed and we filled our stomachs with spicy chili, warm soft rolls and extra large, frothy, hot chocolates.   As we both leaned back in our chairs we now felt the effect of our substantial feast and that cozy warmth of the fire could have easily lulled us both off to sleep right there in the busy lodge.  As we both looked at each other I said, " We are wasting powder time, what do you say?" Uncle Jim was up in an instant and gearing back up to head back out into the crisp, afternoon air.
It was starting to get busy out there as the school ski clubs were beginning to show up for afternoon practices.  We decided to take some of the farther back runs in hopes of avoiding the long lines and crazy skiers.  We hopped on the lower lift and up we were swooped as we had been so many times that day.  Upon reaching our destination we took a quick detour to hit up a second lift that would take us over to the back trails and as luck would have it there were no lines and no waiting.  We continued on our journey just drinking in the beautiful views of the surrounding snow capped mountains.  The wind was picking up and to the West we could see what looked like a band of snow coming in and not wasting any time.  We hopped off the lift at the top and we were the only ones there.  It felt as though we were totally alone in the world without a thought or care. I took an exhilarating breath and we started our journey back to civilization.  As we bounded down the mountain, hitting every drift we could find, the snow started to fall fast and furious.  The wind picked up and made the snow appear to be a series of tornadoes twisting and turning all around us.  Our visibility was lessened to almost zero and we soon realized that this was going to be a slow trip down without the rush of a race.  We took our time and soon enough we reached the bottom, and as though the weather knew we had accepted its challenge and won, the squall moved on and was gone.
We managed a half dozen or so more runs and we were spent.  Our legs felt like spaghetti and we were cold down to our bones.  It was time to call it a day and pack it in. "How about another hot chocolate for the road?" Uncle Jim suggested. I was quick to accept and I could feel it warm my inners with every sip I took.  As I reflect on my past I would have to say that this was probably one of the best days ever.  I got to spend precious time with someone that I care deeply for, doing something that we both love to do.  If it weren't for Uncle Jim I wouldn't be the skier that I now am and I will treasure this fun filled day for a lifetime.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Feb. 27 2015 at 8:05 am
Brian110 SILVER, Jonesport, Maine
8 articles 1 photo 79 comments

Favorite Quote:
if life gives you lemons..... squeeze them back in life's eyes!

This is a very good piece, I liked it a lot.