The times we never forget | Teen Ink

The times we never forget

May 14, 2015
By Michael Van Hoesen BRONZE, Greenwich, Connecticut
Michael Van Hoesen BRONZE, Greenwich, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The times we never forget
After Regina Spektor


Hey remember that time we played foursquare after school
Hey remember that time we reclined and watched our favorite Scooby-Doo episodes
Hey remember that time the only homework we had was to practice our multiplication
Hey remember that time we chased my spotted puppy Sandy through the snow
So fun, so present, so freeing, our childhood
Hey remember that week when we weren’t friends all because of you went to see Iron Man without me
Hey remember that time we searched for the Ginger Bread man all around the baseball field
Hey remember when girls had cooties
Hey remember that time when we told your mom we were “Done with this s***"
We spent the rest of the day with soap in our mouths
I thought I was going to be sick, I thought it couldn’t get any worse
Hey remember that time when I thought that no one liked me
Hey remember that time I finally kissed her
Hey remember that time I did more than just that
Hey remember that time when I sipped my first Amstel Light
Hey remember that time when I smoked my first joint
I didn’t care; I just wanted to fit in
Hey remember that time you tried to stop me
Hey remember that time I still didn’t listen, even from the other side of the bars
Well now that I look back, I know you were right
I had no clue that I was wasting my life
I just felt like no one understood me
I only wanted to be happy, even if it meant being someone else

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