The Red Assassin | Teen Ink

The Red Assassin

October 14, 2015
By BlakeBolland BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
BlakeBolland BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Wade I am sorry to inform you but your wife is diagnosed with lung cancer” said Doctor Weston. 
“How long does she have to live?” asked Wade with nothing on his mind but his wife. “She has about a week to live” said Dr. Weston while looking down at his clipboard.  “Can I see her Doc?” asked Wade.
“In an hour she is resting right now” Said Dr. Weston. 
“Can I call you weasel?” asked Wade with a smirk.
“Why would you call me that?” asked the Dr. 
“Because your last name is Weston, and you are short like a weasel” said Wade.
Beep Beep Beep BEEP.
“What the heck is that?” said wade nervously. 
“I don’t know” said Dr. Weston. 
‘In the Local Police station.’ ring ring ring.
“Would someone answer that stupid phone” said police Chief Striker.
“Sir the hospital has just blown up” said the operator.
“I want all active duty police and firemen at that hospital in less than 2 minutes” said Striker. 
“Ron you’re with me” said Striker.
“Yes sir” said Ron. ‘Car door opens and closes’
“STEP ON IT RON!” Yelled Striker. 
‘At the ruble of what used to be the hospital.’
“Its news reporter Kelly James back with the local news again. A huge explosion has just demolished the hospital. There is no sign of survi… wait there has just been one male with horrific burns pulled out of the ruble.  He is asking about his wife” said the reporter.
“Where’s my wife? Is she ok? She’s in room 314, can someone please help me find her?” asked Wade.
“Sir calm down ‘I need to find my wife’ Sir I said calm down, we are going to find your wife but right now we are going to take you to the other hospital” said the fireman.
‘Later at the other hospital also known as Strikers laboratory.’ 
“Where am I?” asked Wade.
“You are at the other hospital” said Striker.  “We took you here because you are special; there is no way on earth that you should have survived that explosion” Said Striker.  “This hospital is for people with special powers like you, and also giving people special powers” said Striker with a grin on his face. “Look at your x-rays that we took of your body, as you can see you have holes in you skull and in you torso, in this picture you don’t have a right arm” said Striker.  “I want you to look down now” said Striker. 
“That picture can’t be real because I still have my right arm” said Wade happily. 
“That’s because you can heal yourself.  You are special, so we gave you one more power you can now teleport” said Striker. 
“Why did you do that?” asked Wade.
“Because we want you to work for us now. We have a special mission in Saudi Arabia. You have to rescue the hostage” said Striker.  “I know your ex-military so that’s why you are the perfect man for the job.  We will pay you one million dollars for this job” said Striker.  “So are you in?” asked Striker. 
“Heck yeah I’m in!” yelled Wade.
‘In Saudi Arabia’ 
“Man its hot out here” complained Wade. 
“Just stick to the mission. I’m giving you coordinates to it now.  There you are about 300 yards east of the target.  Wait now you 250 yards away 200, 150, 100 Wade you better catch that vehicle if you want to get paid” Said Striker.
“Yes sir. This is not going to be fun at all.  3, 2, 1 JUMP!!!  Did I make it? Did I make it?” asked Wade nervously.
“OK Wade I want you to take out the driver. ’Yes sir’ Wade you have to be careful so you don’t fall off of the vehicle. ‘sadly I’ve done this before’ Ok well I still want you to be careful” Said Striker. 
“Thanks dad” said wade sarcastically.
“Stop fooling around and get into that truck. ‘What truck? The truck that I’m driving. Yeah I’m that good.’  How did you do th… you know what never mind.  Go to these coordinates” said Striker.
“I’m here what do you want me to do? ‘I want you to open up the back of the truck and take the girl out.’ What did you just say? ‘I said take the girl out’ you said this was a rescue mission not an assassination” said Wade angrily. 
“Do it or we kill the girl and you” said Striker.
“I’m not going to do it ‘Fine, Alpha team one take him out” Said Striker. 
“Sir there is no sign of Wade or the girl” said alpha team one leader.
“I forgot about his teleportation ability” said Striker.  “What do you want us to do sir?” Asked Alpha team one leader. 
“I want you to head to Hollywood to kill him ‘How do you Know where he’s at?’ because we put a tracker in his neck” Said Striker with a grin. ‘On Hollywood BLVRD’
“Sir we got a visual on him permission to engage ‘permission granted, but only use the tranquilizer darts I want him alive’ yes sir ready to engage in three, two, one” said alpha team one leader. 
“Got him, bringing him in now” said alpha team one leader. ‘At Strikers lab’
“Why did you do it?” asked Wade.
“Because they killed her” said Striker. 
“Why did you have to blow up the hospital and kill all those people?” asked Wade.  “Because they killed her, they just let her die on that operating table, so that why I killed them” said Striker. 
“Where’s the girl?” asked Striker.
“Why do you want her so bad?” asked Wade.
“To hurt you” said Striker.
“Why would it hurt me?” asked Wade.
“Because she’s your daughter ‘oh my gosh I remember now all the memories are coming back’ that’s why I wanted you to kill her, so you would remember and be depressed for the rest of your life” Said Striker.
“You are going to pay for this” said Wade.
“I already have. Their coming to get me. I want you to take this sword and stab me with it” Said Striker.
“Give me the sword STRIKER! ‘ Here you go’ you are going to pay for all the casualties you have caused!” yelled Wade.
“Dad?” said wades daughter.
“No honey I’m sorry. Why? Why do you have to torture me like this?” asked Wade crying. 
“Daddy I love you” said Wade’s daughter.
“I love you too honey” said Wade crying. “Honey open your eyes please open your eyes. No!” said Wade in complete tears.


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