Avenging Sapphire | Teen Ink

Avenging Sapphire

January 6, 2016
By firegirl BRONZE, Stafford, Virginia
firegirl BRONZE, Stafford, Virginia
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Avenging Sapphire

“I can’t believe she died she was so young.” wailed Felica. “ Sapphire`s my best friend.” A drunk driver crashed Felicia's car while they got back from a party. The police was asking her questions about what happened. “Look I’m sorry for your loss but I need you to calm down and tell us what happened.” said Officer Delano
“Well we were heading home from the party that some friend of mine told us to go then a car was driving too fast to the right side of us and we crashed into a ditch.” sniffled Felica.

Officer Delano felt sad for her so he decided to hug her. Felicia looked confused and scared but she accepted the hug anyway. “ I know it’s not professional to hug a civilian while doing police investigating but you looked like you needed one. Anyway did ya get a look at this perp?”
Felicia nodded “he is fat and he wears a dirty white t-shirt. I saw from the window that he had jeans with cowboy boots.
“Thank for the data, Ms. Jones we will have detectives draw up a picture for him so we can issue a warrant for that bastard. By the way the way you described that guy I have a feeling it could be be Brennan Castel.” Officer Delnano replied. “ We will notify you when we arrest the perp”

Felicia smiled a little in her head knowing her friend will be avenged. Later, he gave her a gold necklace with a pink butterfly diamond that Sapphire had on her since the accident. Officer Delano offered a ride home she accepted it. The radio was on thus drowning out the silence Felicia was in no mood to talk so he did not push her to speak. On the full moon she arrived safely to her house traumatized over what happen a few hours ago. She didn't talk to her parents or do anything that day so she decided to go to bed and not take off the necklace.

Weeks passed since the incident happened. Officer Delano sent the data to the detectives to find the perp. The detectives did some computer science, analyzed the suspects, looked for fingerprints. Eventually they found him “Officer, you were right it was that no good bastard Brennan. That guy drinks and drives without shame killing people as if they were nothing.” screeched the detective. “You have full permission to arrest that piece of s***”
“Great but I really wish Felicia wasn’t so sad she didn’t deserve to lose her friend like that.’ sighed Officer Delano.
The detective got a little angry with him. “ Oh my god you keep talking about that girl for 13 weeks. You know I’m starting to think you have a sick fetish for vulnerable girls,you pervert.”

Officer Delano glared at the detective “yes I love Felicia is that so wrong? I felt a connection with her because I understood what she was going through. It was the same death experience that my ex- girlfriend went through” officer delano replied sharply.
“Listen up, Delano this ain`t no time for talking about pretty girls ya hear?  we have a criminal to catch then you talk to your little Felicia later aah-ite.” teased the detective. Officer Delano nodded in agreement while glaring at the detective then he left.

When it was time for the big arrest, Officer Delano found Brennan Castel in his apartment. The window showed him drinking beer while watching tv and scratching his big belly. Ten minutes later he knocked Brennan’s door down and aimed his gun at him. the SWAT team surrounded the apartment in case he tried to escape. “Freeze this is the LCPD you have the right to remain silent. Brennan, you are under arrest for 20 crashes of drunk driving and sexual assault of 17 women on November 11, 2014” yelled Officer Delano. He kept the gun aimed at Brennan then he kicked his legs so he kneeled down. Next, he put the gun pack in his belt and handcuffed him. Brennan kept squirming a lot.
“Stand still you piece of s*** haven’t you done enough damage already?” sneered Officer Delano.
“ Damn, you're scary as hell but whatever I was having too much in the past. I don’t give a damn about what I did. leered Brennan.Officer Delano hit him with his pistol on the back of his head.
Brennan winced in pain ”ow that hurts like hell geesh you sure take your job real serious now don't you.”
Officer Delano tighten the cuffs a bit harder “ Be quiet will you?”
Brennan finally complied so Officer Delano threw him in the car and drove him to jail. Brennan will be staying in jail for the rest of his life.

After the confrontation, Officer Delano went to Felicia's house. He knocked on her door and Felica opened it. “Felicia I have some very good news for you” smiled Officer Delano.
Felicia was trying to keep herself from jumping up and down “what is it”
“ The SWAT team arrested Brennan so he`ll be spending the rest of his life in jail.”
Felicia squealed in joy she jumped up and down and impulsively hugged Officer Delano. She thought Sapphire then quickly got a little sad. Officer Delano knelt to Felicia’s eye level and held her by her arms his face inches from her face. “ Hey don’t be sad your friend would want you to live a full happy life. I know catching Brennan won’t bring her back but I know where her grave is. want to go there?” Officer Delano tentatively asked. Felicia accepted his offer so they went to her grave together.
Once they got there, the funeral was beautiful. It had cherry blossoms and rosemarys the grass was lush smooth to the touch. The sky was a bright blue with perfect clouds while the pond was a clear cerulean with ducks, canadian geese, and 10 gooses. Felicia was in awe when she looked at it then she saw Sapphire’s grave so she put yellow roses on her grave. Officer Delano and Felicia mourned for her and talked. They told her that Brennan had been arrested, Felicia's adventures, and about officer Delano himself. “ Felicia I have something to tell you” said Officer Delano.
Felicia looked up at him “what is it”
“I love you” confessed Officer Delano.
She was in a lot of shock from what he said. I- I-I- I d-d-don’t kn-kn-kn-know if I’m ready I mean it’s a lot to take in” Meanwhile a light shone on Officer Delano and Felicia then a rosemary pin magically appeared on her hand. The wind whispered I approve be happy next to Felicia's ear.
“I love you too” Felicia said in a low tender voice. Officer Delano pulled her in for a hug and kissed her. He pinned the rosemary pin on the left side of shirt. Sapphire was smiling in joy for Felicia in heaven.

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