Jeremiahs Journey | Teen Ink

Jeremiahs Journey

January 15, 2016
By Anonymous

       The sun is rising on a bright morning. It's revealing the shining morning dew that is lying upon the grass. It seems almost like tiny diamonds all over the ground. The grass only goes for so long before reaching a farm. A farm with lots of fields with many different crops. It almost doesn't seem like most of the crops are real. The sun then shines on a farm house. It is a tan colored two storied house. The paint around the house almost seems to peeling from all over. The roof is also falling apart almost like every other tile is falling out. On the ground around the house the black gravely roof tile lie from the many months of falling. The front of the house has only one door and two windows. One window on the upper level, and one window on the lower level. The door is a strong oak colored white. The light shining off it really shows how bright the white can be.
From inside the house can be heard small movements. A creak in the floor or a cup being put down on the table making a small ting noise. the wide oak door swings open making a small whoosh like that of wind blowing through a wheat field. In the frame of the door stands a young man. He stands at about 5’10, he is skinny with his pants having to have a belt with the very last loop filled. His pants are a light brown they are a little worn around the knees and on the sides it seems that some strings are loose. As if they had recently been sewed together again. The pants lead right down to his shoes. They are also a shade of brown. The front is scoffed and fading to reveal the metallic front of the shoe. It was clear that he was young in age seeing as his face had a young exited look to it. His eyes were sort of blue and green glowing by the sun on certain days.
The young man looks upon the fields of crops that lay in front of him. He mentally prepares for the long day that he has coming. There were fields that needed hoeing and plants to be watered. It wasn't anything new to him to have to water the fields upon fields but on days like these where he needed to hoe fields and plant new crops it's was just a bit more tuff. Plus today felt a little more hot than normal days. It was an odd hot though, the young man didn't know why but it just felt odd today. He shrugged it off and headed to the back of the of the house when he arrived he was looking at a beaten up dusty old shed the door looked like it could fall off if someone looked at it aggressively.He walked up to the shed and grabbed the door opening it slowly as to not tear it off he walked in the shed, it smelled like a produce section at a grocery store. It was a bit moist he could feel his skin wettening it was a bit refreshing after being out in the blistering heat. Just to get to the shed was a tough accomplishment for him as the sun seemed almost as if it were following right behind every foot step. He looked around there were all kinds of farm equipment lying around. There was one that seemed a little out of place though. It looked almost like a jetpack at first glance but after looking at it a little better you'd notice a hose attached to the side of it. it was a weird watering device probably developed sometime around the 1700s. He walks over and picks it up letting out a small “oomf”. Then using the straps on both sides he connects it to himself. He then turns to the left and picks up a stick  and puts it in his pocket. With that he stepped out of the shed closing the door slowly and set off to another great day in the fields.
It started off pretty normal, just watering every plant he could see checking twice to make sure he hadn't forgotten any. He had to stop every couple of minutes because of the intense heat. All that he had to do was put the hose over his head and let the water soak through his golden locks and to his face. it would cool him not for long but it was still nice though. This took a long while to finish up watering lots of walking to the brick old well full of water to fill up the water jet pack. When he was done it was time for the part he was resenting. So he just manned up and filled up the water jet pack one more time before he started his long trek to the field all the way across his property. When he got there he wiped what felt like gallons of sweat from his throbbing forehead. He then reached into his pocket and took out the stick that he put in there earlier. Then with a hardened grip it formed into a long hoe. It then began. It was a very long and gruelling process the sun was almost cooking him alive. Every step on feels like a step closer to death the water jet only helps for a bit till it runs dry then it's only a nuisance just weighing him down now. But as time continues it seems like the heat is cooling just a bit. Every once in awhile he even would look up to make sure the sun wasn't going down yet. and soon it seemed like not only was the sun cooling but the crops all most seem to stop flowing in the small wind that there was. At that the wind he felt seemed pretty much gone. soon after much more hoeing he had finally saw that everything had stopped nothing was moving around him or even far off in the distance. everything was done moving.
It was the weirdest thing that the grown boy had ever seen it was actually hurting his head just to think about. he was always alone after the incident but he had never felt alone and scared what if he was trapped here forever nothing moving nothing ever being what it once was. It was the most empty feeling ever like someone had created a black hole and he was the only one pushed in. until…
“Sorry about this suppose I could of let you in on this before i did it.”
A voice appeared, one he had never heard before. It was light and uplifting. like that of a narrator in a nature documentary. The young boy looks around to see where the voice is coming from but he only sees what he's always seen. But suddenly and without warning a bright white flash appears and when the young male could finally see again there was another Male standing right in front of him.
“Why hello!” says the man.
Examining the person slowly the young male sees that this person has wings. The wings seemingly like they are from an angel. The person is also wearing a blue suit the suit looks like it had been handmade seconds ago it was so clean. It was colored blue and smelled of freshly squeezed lemons. The pants were more of the same blue and fresh. The shoes were black and shiny. They seemed weird because there was no sign of dirt on them at all. His face seemed young, there eyes were a light blue that glow every second that they were there.
“Well are we gonna stand around or are you gonna say your name? M-my name is Renn!” Said Renn with a wide grin on his face showing
the snow white teeth he had.
The young man stood silent for a bit not knowing the words to say. Until he finally muttered out with a little bit of stutter, “I'm Jeremiah.”
“Cool name i already knew it i just wanted you to say it anyway lots to say little time so most importantly i've come here to give you this!”
Renn holds out a blade it has a slight curve to it, It's blade is long and shiny and the handle is old and wooden. It has something written on it but as it's in a language Jeremiah's not use to he can't read it. Jeremiah stares at it for a good while before Renn speaks again, “I know you probably don't want this but really, you'll need it! so please take it!”
Jeremiah thinks a little more as Renn holds the Blade a little closer to him.
“Things are going to become really strange soon and really I haven't much time left before I leave so please just take this and know that you are part of a amazing puzzle!”
Renn pushes the blade almost onto Jeremiah's chest. it's at this point that Jeremiah notices that time has started up again, the crops and wind are moving again Renn then shouts “Please you either do it now or you die in a little bit it's your decision!!”
Seeing the determination on Renn's face makes Jeremiah grab the Blade with all he's got! When he does so his whole body almost feels like it's exploding with determination, his eyes glow with light that shines like a lighthouse on a dark stormy night. Jeremiah's body floats a little into the air just enough to be taller than a corn stalk! Jeremiah lets out a very loud shout that echoes through the land! soon it all stops and Jeremiah drops to the ground, again he looks up a little bleary but still standing is Renn who says, “Thank you I'll be back in the future to actually help, but for now this is all I've got good luck and i'm sorry..”
With that Renn fades away leaving nothing behind and time flowing normally again Jeremiah looks around to see where he was but in the background he hears something strange almost like a loud truck. Jeremiah turns to see in the far end of the top of a hill a truck full of three people pull up. Right as they do the one in the back of the truck pulls out an RPG and immediately fires it at the house. The bullet flies in what seems like slow motion for Jeremiah. The bullet finally reaches the house and on impact explodes. All that's left from the massive explosion is a fiery mess of rubble and what use to be the roof and walls!  Jeremiah starts shedding tears from both eyes seeing his house is gone all that he had left from before is gone. He doesn't know what it is but all these tears help him and he feels every bit of energy in him go right to the blade. Without his own strength the Blade lifts his hand up and slashes Three times. The three slashes all shoot beams of energy that fly right toward the truck. They reach where they are going and the truck explodes with a giant mushroom cloud that seems to blow up not only the truck and the hill it was on but the field near that and a lot of grass all around.

There is silence for what feels like a whole ten minutes which truly was only a minute or two.  Jeremiah is kneeling at this point and has a emotionless face aside from the tear streaks from his eyes to the bottom of his chin. Jeremiah kneels alone not knowing what will happen next but whatever happens he knows that he's not prepared for it….

The author's comments:

Its a story thats to be continued.

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