Castle | Teen Ink


January 20, 2016
By Nailea-Dun BRONZE, Palm Desert, California
Nailea-Dun BRONZE, Palm Desert, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Ba-dum Ba-dum Ba-dum, was all that I could hear. A scaley but yet soft skin was all that I could feel. A pitch black space of nothingness was all that I could see. I was trying desperately to move my arms and legs, but they wouldn't budge. Was I dreaming? Dying? Going to hell? All I wanted to do was move at least the slightest but to signify that I was alive. I hope. Soon I just sat there staring at the black pitch of nothingness. It was actually pretty peaceful. Nobody around to bother you, nobody to hurt you… I was hypnotized into this trance until I heard a faint growl. Was somebody here with me? I would look around but there's just absolutely nothing. The growls became louder, and my heart starts beating up again. I'm pretty sure I was entering hell. I soon began to see a faint light in the distance and the growls become more realistic and clear to me. As I'm concentrating to see through the light, something long and wet runs across my face. Wait… I can feel something! I thrash around trying to move my arms and legs out of excitement. “ROAR!” A sudden roar echoes through the blackness. I'm gonna trust myself and say that's probably my best friend, Prisomer. He's not your typical best friend, and I'm only saying that because well… He's a dragon. I remember the first time finding him. I was in my room hiding away from my dad so he wouldn't punch me in the face again. Then it started to rain and thunder. Thankfully for my anxiety attacks I wouldn't stay calm. That was then when I heard scratching on my window, it was probably a tree. I looked over to see a claw like figure dropping up and down, causing to make terrible screeching noises. I ran towards my window, opened it up, and looked down only to see a tiny black and yellow striped baby dragon. After that I blacked out and that's all I remembered. Of course that was 10 years ago, now I'm a full grown troubled soul. I practically raised myself. With the help of Prisoners protecting me from dying. As I got lost at my trace of thought, my eyes Burt's open and tears streamed through my face. I launched up screaming at the pain releasing through my body. I checked to see if there was any damage done to me. Same straight black hair. Same old arm scars. Same ripped up jeans. Same old me. I felt something round shaped push me up from my back. I quickly turned around to see Prisomer, grinning widely for helping me out again. I ran towards him ignoring my aching body and wrapped my arms tightly around his leg. After letting go, I checked my surroundings. Trees, really tall old barky trees. A few bones from various animals and people. But there was barely any people out here. If you did see one, don't trust your back, could've been those evil demons. They're always up to no good, they brainwash you and take over the rest of your life. If you got caught, good luck becoming a slave for eternity. But I wasn't afraid, I have all my pocket knives. Back at the home spot, I've got all these self sharpened swords with the metal I stole from dead demons out and about. The one main reason all the demons are out here in the badlands, is from vanishing people to ever getting to the Gavisus Castle. It's been rumored that the Gavisus Castle has the most powerful sword in all of the badlands, causing earthquakes when daggered into the ground. If you were to have the Praefortis sword, everyone and everything bad would hunt you down until dead. They never want anyone happy. But I was determined to save the rest of humanity. I just wanted to do something good for once, have people actually look at me with admiration. I wanted to be a hero. I wanted people to appreciate me for once. I walked over to the home spot to hide my weapons into the mossy bushes. Picking up one of the swords and placing it with Prisoners armour, I tied up my jet black combat boots and started walking with Prisomer right behind. My throat began to grow more and more dry as we walked. Keeping a supply of food and water wasn't completely impossible, only if you have a dragon. “Prisomer, let's go by the lake. I'm getting thirsty and you really need a bath.” I could feel my voice getting hoarse. Prisomer let out a quiet growl and drew out his black wings for me to board. I climbed on top of him and patted my foot against his back twice, signifying to go. He took a few steps back then charged ahead flying into the air. It was moments like these where I feel so free. The wind blowing loosely through my hair, fresh breeze for me to breathe, and the mist of the clouds feel just right on a sunny day. I closed my eyes letting my thoughts go without a care in the world. Prisomer then flew down towards the lake, but stopped suddenly roaring. “What's wrong?” I looked down at the lake to see an old swampy green lake, instead of a beautiful dark blue it was supposed to be. My eyes widened in shock. “Prisomer, down!” I pointed furiously at the now green lake. Prisomer flew down and landed slowly. I practically jerked myself off of Prisomer, stomping across the mossy wet mud, getting my boots dirty. “What the hell happened?!” I punched my hand through the water with anger. Prisomer looked down sadly growling in response. As I investigated through the water more, a small part of it started to bubble. I crouched down to the edge of the lake, looking at it closely. I drew my face closer to the water, ignoring the horrible stench of it. Right there and then, a red eyed crocodile jumped out of the water and snapped its jaws towards me. My heart started pumping faster as I stood up, grabbed my pocket knife jabbing the crocodile in the eye. I screamed angrily in order to show I was the Victorian. Red blood started to drip down its grassy green scales. Prisomer stomped over to the now dead crocodile gripping the front part of it tightly. He held one foot against the back and tore it apart. He scooted the back part towards me with his snout. I picked up the remaining pieces of it, and chewed off a tiny part of it. “That's one tough act.” I looked behind me in surprise to see an old man with a wooden stick. “Excuse me?” I lowered the carcass in my hands and looked at him confusingly. “I sense strength and great passion in you. Come with me. I saw you and your dragon friend looking for water, I have some.” Depending on the way he looks he clearly has a Japanese accent in his voice. “I insist you come.” He sounded so calm and gentle, grinning at us widely. I looked at Prisomer for a response. Prisomer only ran towards the man like a dog. I guess Prisomer liked this guy. I threw the tail of the crocodile over my shoulder and followed behind the man and Prisomer. We all walked through a tunnel of burnt down trees, I, holding onto Prisomer’s tail just invade. “Have you heard of the ‘Invasion of Monsters’?” The old man stopped and threw pieces of wood into a pile. “No? What's that?” I looked around wrapping my arms together as a gentle breeze passed by. The man grabbed a box of matches, lit one and threw it into the pile of wood. “Well,” he groaned while pulling out a stump to sit on. I leaned back against prisomer, folding my arms. “The demons have generated even more monsters for the badlands. That crocodile you killed, was one of them. They have so many more crocodiles, your dragon over there would be good on food for a whole 3 years. Besides the crocodiles, they even have their own dragons, so you better keep this guy away. He's one hell of a flyer.” He pointed at Prisomer with a straight face. I nodded my head in response. There was a subtle silence, with the sound of wood burning and crackling. I looked deeply into the flames of the fire, where it showed a couple hugging each other. A whirlwind soon came bashing into them and sucks up the partner, leaving the other to crouch down and cry. Flames began to circle all around the crying man, creating hearts in the air. Just right above the man was what appeared to be their partner, but an angel. Its wings spread out as they wrapped their arms around the other. The sound of the crackling drew louder and louder, the longer the hug lasted. Another wild breeze passed by and lit out the fire. “Did you just  see that… Or was that on-” the man interrupted me, “Yes. I give psychic readings through messages of fire, and that was your reading.” My eyes widened as I realized, I could possibly die in a whirlwind. “No no no, that's not your exact future. It just represents it in a spiritual way.” He must've read my mind with his witchcraft. “Oh!” He stood up and jogged to the back, with a big round bottle in hand. He ran back out and handed me the bottle. “Its the water that I promised.” The old man grinned politely at me, nodding. “Thank you…” I responded, making it sound like a question instead. I'm forcing myself to trust this guy, but he just seems to generous. Plus his witchcraft. Sighing, I grabbed the crocodile tail over my shoulder and handed it to him. Water and slime dripped all over the floor. The old man smiled greatly, while placing the tail next to the fire. He faced me, placing his hands together and bowed down. Talking that as a sign for thankfulness, I bowed down doing the same. Still smiling, I walked out of the ‘Tree Cave’ looking back at prisomer. He let out a quiet whimper, lowering his wings for me to board. Climbing on top of him, tapping my foot twice, he sprang into the gloomy dark clouds. Letting my mind wander off from the world, I heard something rumble. My eyes shot open, looking down at prisomer. “Was that you boy?” I asked puzzled. He grunted softly and continued flying through the dark clouds. Grumble Grumble. I looked down and felt my stomach shaking. Guess I was hungry. But I didn't feel like eating, my body knew I had too though. I looked around and saw the misty blue sky filled with clouds. Great. More bigger and challenging animals come out during the night. After flying around for awhile prisomer decided to land with bones on the floor. Tiny skeletons, big skeletons. I could handle this, I know I can. Plus I had prisomer, an advantage. As I jumped off prisomers back I turned my head trying to make out shapes and sounds. Really wish I had night vision. Patting prisomer with my hand, I pointed out towards the tall dead grass. He carefully crouched down, head down low, then blasted off into the air. Letting out a mighty roar, the yellow lightning bolts designed on his body, glowed in the air. Flying and spinning around in circles, dark heavy clouds soon filled the air. I took the distraction as an opportunity and climbed up an old barky tree. Hiding more into the leaves and branches, I reached into my pocket, grabbing my knife. The clouds started to rumble as I looked out onto the boney waste field. Droplets of rain fell violently onto the leaves of the tree onto my shoulders. I looked up at prisomer to see him prancing around happily in the rain. Focusing back onto the land, I see grass moving violently not so far away. Carefully examining the moving creature, I raised my fist with the knife in hand. Ignoring the black strand of hair in my face, I furiously threw the pocket knife at the moving object. Hearing a faint hiss, I jumped out of the tree to examine the animal. Jogging through the itchy tall grass I looked up at prisomer and yelled for him to come down. I moved the grass covering the animal to show a snake. Well it's better than anything right now. Prisomer ran over when he saw the snake in hand like a happy puppy. I opened the snakes mouth to look at the sharp teeth I can use for my weapons. Prisomer took a step closer and bit the snake's tail. Unexpectedly the snake jolted awake and bit my hand, with blood spraying everywhere.

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