The Big Fight | Teen Ink

The Big Fight

March 11, 2016
By ATovar2016 BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
ATovar2016 BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There I was in the biggest match of my life, over thousands of people watching me on T.V. live. The announcer called my name, “In our left corner the undefeated boxing champion Derek Philter!” I have been an undefeated boxing champion for over 2 years.
As I swing for my right side, he hits my gut with his left hand leaving my weak spot open. I jab with my left, and then with my right uppercut hits his jaw and the side of his head. The fight felt intense. I hit my opponent with a left, hook dropping him into the hard floor.
While the referee was counting up to ten, I could’ve sworn I won until the opponent looking furious. He hits me with a right hook, then to my eye line begins to bleed. He hits my nose leaving, it with more cuts on my face.
As I fall to the hard ground I try to get up but my body won’t let me its telling me to quit, and to give up. I fall unconscious for 3-6 seconds. I quickly open my eyes hearing the ref. count to 9. I grab the rope and sit in the chair of my corner.
This is it, the last round of this match. I get in my stance with a ferocious look. I jabbed with my left twice into his gut, leaving his face wide open. I hit his jaw line, then with my free arm I jab him hard. He falls to the ground again. The referee counts “ 1 … 2 … 3 … 4 “ I got a tense feeling of relief but I knew it was over. “ 5 … 6 … 7 … 8… 9… 10!” I had won. Finally I get to relax.

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