The Jewel | Teen Ink

The Jewel

April 21, 2016
By Mariela.Vinas SILVER, Arroyo Hondo, Other
Mariela.Vinas SILVER, Arroyo Hondo, Other
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Stars can't shine without darkness

The sky was dark. The silver moon was full and shining on high. The breeze was cold. It was the perfect night for a good sleep. My eyes were closing and I was starting to doze off. Just when I was about to fall asleep, something terrible happened: Screams all over the castle were heard, along with loud gunshots and dogs barking. I ran to my closet and threw on some clothes and shoes and ran as fast as it was humanly possible to my father’s bedroom. I pushed the door open and to my surprise found some strangers threatening my father with their swords pointed toward his head.
“No!” I shouted “What are you doing? How dare you point your sword at my father’s head?”
“Hmm…. Is this your beloved daughter, Frederic? She’s as beautiful as courageous… Just like her mother.” The guy said “Tell me where is the jewel you stole from me, where are you keeping it?”
“That jewel was not stolen from you. You know well that father gave it to me. I know that you want it because you want to be king.” Said my father irritated.
“Watch your tone!” The guy said, now pressing his sword harder towards my father’s heart.
Wishing my voice didn’t give away how scared I was, I looked at the man and asked him, “Who are you and what do you want?”
“I am General Ancelmus, your father’s only and last brother” he said “I want the jewel your father is hiding in this castle. You wouldn't know where he keeps it by any chance? ”
“What happened to the others?” I asked, carefully avoiding his question.
“I killed them” he said proudly.
My heart started beating fast and I could feel the color draining from my face. Suddenly, my head is swarmed with memories:
    The screams I heard when I was 11 years old. The guy with black, short hair, green and big eyes, pale skin and tall, this guy was my uncle. The stranger, who killed my mother that dreadful night, 6 years ago, was my uncle. Anger started swelling into my blood. My face was burning, I looked like the Devil himself.
“So, you were the one who killed my mother?! All these years looking for the murderer and out of nowhere he appears at my home threatening my father?!”
If you think you are going somewhere you are wrong, because you’re not leaving this castle!” I shouted as hard as I could “Guards! In here, fast!”
“Ha! Guards! They are all on my side” He spat angrily, “You’re smart, princess. You figured it out. I was the one who killed your mother, so what? You can’t do anything now.”
He continued to my father, “Frederic, this is your last chance, tell me where’s the jewel and I may keep your beautiful daughter alive.”
“Dad, don’t!” I shouted, desperately.
“I’m sorry baby, I lost your mother once and I won’t make the same mistake,” he said in a sad tone. “Pull the book that has Jewel as a title, then push the green button and say the words “Scarlet Marie” out loud. Take what you’re here for and leave.”
General Ancelmus laughed hard and then said, “Thank you brother, farewell.” and with those last words he pushed his sword toward my father’s chest. Blood started spilling out as I screamed and ran toward my father’s falling body.
“No! This can’t be happening! Dad, don't leave me!” I said between sobs, “You’re the only one I have left.”
“Darling….” He said with difficulty, as blood poured out of his mouth, “I love you…. Remember I….will always be with….. you” he said breathing hard.
“Dad, I love you too, but you’ll be alright, I promise. Please don’t go...” Tears were falling through my cheeks. My hands were holding my father’s head. I could feel his soul starting to leave. His skin was turning pale, his eyes were closing. He was leaving this world. I could feel him drawing his last breath. He was never coming back.
“NO!” I screamed. Then the world started spinning out of focus
Four Years later
“General Bennett asks to speak with you, milady,” the attendant said as she walked into my chambers. “He says it’s important.”
“Tell him to come in” I said.
A few minutes later there was a knock on my door, and my army general walked in. He was tall and had a strong build from all the time spent preparing himself and training with the Royal Army.
“What is it that is so important?” I asked coldly.
“It seems your wait has been put to an end, milady. Our trackers have announced they’re getting really close to our targets trail,” he paused, and in a firmer tone asked, “shall I prepare the army for attack?”
“You do whatever is necessary. Ensure everyone is ready to follow as planned. You’re dismissed.”
At last, after all this time, I was finally getting my revenge.
The End


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