It Was a Hollow Victory | Teen Ink

It Was a Hollow Victory

June 25, 2016
By catina.m BRONZE, Vancouver, Other
catina.m BRONZE, Vancouver, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
failure is a bruise, not a tattoo

Friday. After waiting for the six days that might as well have been an eternity, the day finally arrived. My brother Remi and I emerged from the hole we are now obligated to call home. We were quick on our feet, nimble, and tremendously cautious just in case...In case they captured us. "The giant men in white are roaming around. I can smell them..." Remi whispered. A pang of anxiety struck immediately. I couldn't help but wonder...What if we got caught? It would surely mean death. I began to sweat impetuously. We promised--we swore--to Mother that we'd fetch some food for our family and that was all that mattered. Remi and I quickened our pace, leaping over the shrapnel and avoiding the evil clones in white. At last, there it was: A big glimmering bowl of strawberries. Suddenly, the realization hit me like a bus: a man in white was shadowing over us. My heart dropped as I called to Remi who was vaulting through the obstacles to obtain the juicy fruit. He threw me a few and I held them for dear life as I sprinted home. Everything around me was a blur of moving colours but something was missing…Remi. I could hear him shrieking as the ivory clothed man was stabbing him relentlessly. Traumatized, I ran back to our hole. My family was delighted to see me and cheered, “You won! You beat the men in white!”. It was a hollow victory. Before I nearly fainted on the floor I heard those inhumane individuals: “We need to call the rat exterminator…They’re back!”.

The author's comments:

I hope this makes people happy

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Albertico said...
on Jun. 28 2016 at 1:27 am
:,DDDDDD my girlfriend is the best