“Live as if you were going to die tomorrow” | Teen Ink

“Live as if you were going to die tomorrow”

January 20, 2017
By yanayadav BRONZE, New Delhi, New York
yanayadav BRONZE, New Delhi, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
the truth is rarely pure and never simple - oscar wilde

“Live as if you were going to die tomorrow” I read out loud

as I walked down the road, interesting I thought to myself. If

I was going to die tomorrow I would probably stay awake

the whole night thinking about it and then when morning

would come, I would be dead with a confused look on my

face wondering if I was dying. That is me over analyzing

everything. There was a time when I was carefree but that

was long, long ago. There’s no deep meaning here and no

tragic past or at least I hope not, if something would have

happened I must have repressed it so majorly that I made

myself forget about it but I believe I just grew up. In the

blink of an eye I was doing the same mundane job everyday,

that’s what growing up does to you, hardens you makes you

fell suspicious of everything. Here’s what you all must be

thinking be thinking ‘what do you do for fun?’ not much go

to the local watering hole, kick back and get ready for work

it was a vicious cycle.

I really want to live life as it said on the poster. I’m ready to

go into work tomorrow and come out and find a place in the

unemployment, but sadly the world at least for some doesn’t

work that way.


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